Oh shit, they remaking Crimson Skies?
And Rage Against the Machine turning woke
The sun is so bright it hurts the eyes. See the Moon around Earth? It has the reflectivity of charcoal and yet it can light up the dark side of the Earth with how much it reflects. Do you know how reflective Venus is? It's like having a disco ball in your face and you're on fire. And now some monkey on Earth is questioning your fashion choices. People, man...
Actually the dog is protesting other dogs.
Tardigrade can survive the crushing weight of Asian parent disapproval.
He hit his goal of turning the entire country into a conservative oligarchy. He will probably die within a month of retirement. The only thing that kept him going this long was his need to make others suffer.
Real "Can't fire me, I quit" energy.
And the angel takes you back to their place, the dress slips off, and reveals biblically accurate boobs swirling with countless nipples. The writhing flesh beckons as your mind echoes foreign words, "Be not afraid."
Musk is a terrible leader with bad ideas. As time goes on even his biggest supporters see his decisions as ineffective and myopic with a tendency to hurt the people that gave him the mandate to do so much damage. Elon Musk is unable to form a good idea and unable to do any work himself. He is a sponge soaking up what's around him and is such a sloppy mess of garbage juice that being in his orbit will leave a permanent stain on you.
I can't wait to see what he does to rush Boeing into finishing Air Force One.
The most aggravating part is that they got as far as they did by being the assholes they are. They have been rewarded and get to be bigger assholes who now have a lot of layers of legal and physical security between them and their victims. Unironically they may be geniuses for their prowess within a facet of humanity that society has tried to disown. It just sucks acknowledging that because they suck as people and they devalue the idea of being good at something.
It's a pile of stones, previously unturned.
Aw yeah