The year is 3524 AD. Probes from Alpha Centauri visited Old Earth for the first time since the Great Burning cut off all communication between Old Earth and the Five Extrasolar Colonies in 2519 AD. One of the items brought back from the ruins of an ancient museum is puzzlingly called Bethan's Rock. Historiologists are not sure who Bethan was and the significance of the otherwise mundane object. One theory is that Bethan is some sort of local "Influencer" (predecessor to the line of now banished Memetic Cyber-Daemons) and the rock is its real-world foci.
No mention of the original Battletech creators' porch? Tsk tsk.
Depends on the "work". Is it back breaking farming or is it leeching off the company's salary while blocking younger workers from getting promoted?
Dunno. Hardcore Eminem fans love his wordplay and rhymes, not so much the "music" as it is commonly understood. I would go so far to say that lyrical rap is more like public speaking than singing.
So...Battlestar Galactica scenario?
Apparently, it is an Americanism that refers to the processed tuna flakes in tinned containers.
Michelle Yeoh carried the show in the episodes she appeared in. Otherwise it is Bantha poodoo.
This case is weird. You have Trumptards wanting Baldwin imprisoned because he mocked Trump once on tv. Then you have bleeding heart leftists who simp for Hannah because muh mysoggyknee, muh classism, muh wimmin never dun nufin wrong. It's a perfect storm of shitty people coming together for a wrong cause.
Simply close your accounts and go elsewhere. When enough people do it, it's called a bank run. Do it.
Maybe space stations should have lifeboats. Ocean liners must have them, why not the ISS?
Taylor Swift is the 2020s version of Alanis Morissette. Ironic.