At least 10 percent of my time sitting in a classroom in college was waiting for the prof to get the projector to work with their laptop.
The combustion product isn't likely to be a carcinogen. Safer to use indoors.
Many Boomers voted their progeny away when they put Reagan in office.
Heartburn alert.
Good way to keep those marriage rates low. Can't get divorced if one doesn't bother getting married in the first place.
It's not really necessary to be part of the Southern Baptist convention. In fact, it's not really necessary to be part of any church at all. A person doesn't have to go to church. There's no requirement for it and they can live a perfectly moral and meaningful life without ever setting foot in a church.
Why does it matter where they're located. Trading is online and there's really no reason, aside from tradition, to have people on a floor trading securities.
Mormon temple in La Jolla looks like the space ship from "The Last Star Fighter"
JWs don't go to college for that exact reason. It seriously is a way to keep people from leaving the faith. Frederick Douglass wrote about how slave owners went out of their way to keep slaves uneducated for a similar reason . He learned to read in secret and then was able to see many truths about the institution of slavery because of his education .
My thoughts exactly. I stopped wearing conspicuously branded products when I was in highschool for this very reason.
Looks like the meals I was recently had at the veterans hospital in the USA.