What if that's my fetish?
To piggyback off this, hobby machining in general. You can buy a small lathe pretty cheap but add some decent tooling and oh you need a very fancy tool you don't have? Hand over more cash. You want to make a part that won't fit in your small beginner lathe? Time to fork out for a bigger more expensive one. Oh a mill would be better for that part? Those kidneys could get a basic mill. Oh you need more fancy tooling for the mill now...
Slides thumb drive into left pocket and right pocket.
So take me back to Constantinople
Schnappi, das kleine krokodil was quite popular in Australia in the early 00's.
I mean it was a song by an Italian that at the time didn't speak English trying to make a song that to Italians would sound like it was in english.
Was that the one with the cats?
Works best in Australia