Legión serían tipo 5000... Por ahora somos un par de gentes (manzana de casas), pero ojalá sigamos sumando. Vamos a por una curia! (10 gentes)
joined 2 years ago
"Developed" countries see "undeveloped" countries (or whatever euphemism you want to use) as Others. We may be the target of their charity or of their pity sometimes, but we remain a mysterious monolith. I'm reminded of that whenever someone says "The US is [generally something bad] among developed countries".
I'm not angry about it. I get it. I still wish it wasn't that way.
As trivia, at least one "undeveloped" country has universal healthcare.
Fittingly, your comment got posted twice
Me gustó lemures. Es básicamente el "oficial" en español, además.