I'm going to offer some practical advice that might help, but first there are also a few things I'd like to point out.
First of all, from reading your question and some replies in the thread - Is there any chance you might be neurodivergent (I think that's the "proper" term. I mean what's been known as low end autism or asperger)? Neurodivergent people have trouble understanding social cues/norms,and might have issues understanding why people act/react the way they do.
This is meant as a general observation that might be beneficial to understand the gap between you and other people, not as a judgment or way to imply there's something wrong with you.
The second thing - the division between introverts and extroverts is kinda false. In reality, it's like height - there are tall and short people, but most people are of generally average height. Like height, most people are towards the middle. You are probably on the end of the bell curve of extrovert-introvert. That's something you need to understand. This also doesn't mean there's something wrong with you, but right now it looks like you're acting like a 2.2 meter tall person who thinks everyone below 2 meters is short. Yes, society is built for people who are of mostly average "sociality". Just like it's built for people of mostly average height, and tall people might have issues finding clothes or having enough leg room in their car.
Most people expect some level of sociality with their co-workers. They aren't necessary attention seekers or "extroverts". That's just the way their brains are wired. When they don't get that social interaction, they will look for an explanation - Did they say something to offend you? Are you busy? In a bad mood? A standoffish person? Maybe you're just shy, and they should initiate more interaction to make you more comfortable?
So, what you want to do is to answer those unasked questions in terms they can understand and without offending them. Imagine you've accidentally bumped into someone while walking. You'll say something like "Oh, I'm so sorry for bumping into you, I was in a hurry. Are you alright? OK, sorry, again, have to run".
If someone asks "How was your weekend?", give a bland answer like "Oh, it was good/fine/ok", then say "Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude, but there's a ton of stuff I need to get done" Say this in a tone like you're apologizing for accidentally bumping into them. Then say "But look, if you'd like some help/advice/to tell me something about that [work related thing we have], I'd be happy to". For most people, this conveys the message that (a) you're trying to focus on work, (b) you really don't mean to offend them and (c) you'd be happy to talk to them about work related stuff. Some people might ask you again next week. Give the same answer. Most of them will figure out you're just always busy working and stop bothering you.
Two more things:
Do try and offer help in work related things once in a while - "Hey, I heard [work thing] is giving you trouble. I've actually had the same issue and would be happy to help". This conveys you're approachable on work-related things, and will make people more inclined to help you when needed.
Walk fast and with a purpose. This serves a dual objective - to better convey that you're always busy, and minimize interactions. The only question you'll get is "why are you walking so fast?" or whatever. This can be handled by saying something casual like "you call this fast?", "ah, you know how it is..." etc. without slowing down more than necessary.
Good questions, thought I don't have answers. Frankly, it's just that the way you described the situation reminded me of a guy at my work and some things I read somewhere. Otherwise, I have no idea what I'm talking about (hell, I was even fuzzy on the terms), so all I can do is say: maybe you should look into it?