After having driven through the I40 spaghetti junction at Dallas, I understand. Never again.
Are you me from the future? This is literally my mindset right now. Just started boycotting Amazon, Target, etc.
I should have used a code to change all my posts/comments to an advertisement for Lemmy. What are the going to do, ban me??
Oof! I hope you recover well friend. That sounds rough, and it’s especially bad if you don’t get good sleep.
My dad had one of these for geocaching in the mid-2000’s I think.
She’s got bigger balls than any sitting male democrat for this.
I run like 10-15 miles about every other week, trying to get in the habit of it. Balancing heat strength workouts and running is turning out to be a challenge for me
Oh no! Bet your Garmin loved all the stress from being sick 🤣
I’ve gone back and forth between an Apple Watch and Garmin multiple times and the lack of a subscription, simplicity of metrics presentation, and multitude of metrics always brings me back.
I want to hide beneath its fur coat until it’s safe again.
This needs to be higher up. Obviously this isn’t how it’ll go, but it’s how it would go for a regular old American.
And they’re resisting, right? Right?? If I have to hold onto documents for years in case a public records request comes through, it should be no different for them.