You are most welcome!
It's true that there are many things that society can do to prevent environmental disaster, and the wealthy are certainly not the only ones who need to make changes. But let's not forget that billionaires have a disproportionate amount of wealth and power, and they use this power to influence government policy and corporate practices in ways that benefit themselves at the expense of the rest of society.
For example, billionaires have been major beneficiaries of tax cuts that have shifted the tax burden onto the middle class and the poor. They have also used their money to lobby for policies that weaken environmental regulations and promote climate change denial. And they have used their control over corporations to exploit workers, drive down wages, and ship jobs overseas.
. They are actively shaping the system in ways that benefit them at the expense of everyone else. And this is why it is so important to hold them accountable. Sure, we can all make changes to reduce our environmental impact.
But these changes will have a much greater impact if they are made by the wealthy. For example, if billionaires stopped taking private jets, this would have a much greater impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions than if the average person gave up eating meat.
So, to answer your question, I it's a global responsibility and everyone including the billionaires living their lives above us all must start acting to help humanity as a whole. We need to make changes that we can control, and we also need to hold billionaires accountable for their actions. Only by doing both can we hope to make a real difference in the fight against climate change and other environmental problems.
But let's not kid ourselves. The wealthy are not going to give up their power and privilege without a fight. They will use their money and influence to try to derail any efforts to hold them accountable. That's why it is so important to build a mass movement of people who are willing to stand up to the billionaires and demand that they be held accountable for their actions.
The rich are certainly not the only ones who need to make change, but you can't ignore that they must be held accountable for the damage they do to the world. They have a disproportionate amount of money and power, and they use this power to bend society and governments into their image.
The United States has a long and bloody history of atrocities against indigenous peoples and Black people. These atrocities are some of the worst in human history, and they dwarf some of history's other atrocities. This is not to say that one atrocity is worse than another, but it is important to remember that the United States has a dark past that we must not forget.
I use to eat nothing but meat, it was really gross. I would go months without eating veggies or fruits. I started slowly trying impossible burgers then I started eating more veggies and now I can't stop. I worked in food for so many years and cooked all kinds of meat now the smell makes me sick. I have to force my self to eat meat because of some health conditions however I eat much less and feel better than I once did. I guess its about balance and finding out what works for you but sometimes you get into a rut and don't think too much about what you are doing to your body until its too late!
Did you peel the lettuce off and slather some extra bacon on it lol? It's not like you have to go out and eat moss off a tree. It's more about just taking maybe one day a week to consider vegetarian options. That's all it takes to help out. No one is saying don't eat anything that casts a shadow.
Name calling derails conversations faster than drifting trains. Put yourself in their shoes and maybe just agree to disagree.
This is true, however, not realistic in some parts of the world. For instance, in the United States, Republicans have waged a war on bodily autonomy, which includes the Roe v. Wade ruling and states creating departments to hunt down citizens who go out of state to have abortions. There are also countries where sex education is not prohibited. So, take these things into consideration while thinking about potential solutions. That being said, you are right, and you can do something about it by voting, if you are able to, wherever you live.
Thank you for the update.
Ah okay so it's like this. The CCP does not equal the entire population of China. It is a governing body that dictates how the Chinese people live. Generalization of people is a racist trope. Holding fascist authoritarian governments accountable for atrocities is not. The comment was intended to help people think about the individuals within a country when thinking about the actions of the government. I know this is not the answer you may have wanted but it does give you some things to think about. Racial slurs dehumanization clearly not allowed. Criticizing the CCP for having a hand in a modern-day genocide against the Uyghurs Muslims is both welcomed and encouraged. This does not just apply To the CCP but all world governments.
See this is why I am a firm believer of dance let your body express your true self through movement!
"I was trying to put a target on my back so that if anyone needed help or had an issue, they knew who to come to. But I didn't plan on being top mod for long. I found an amoozing replacement for myself, and now I'm here in a supportive role, like Yoda and Luke. I don't know if I'll do another AMA, but I only did it because the community was thrown into disarray when our top mod quietly stepped down. I ended up being top mod for 3 days or so until things were resolved, but I also felt an obligation to leave something behind. So here I am, still trying to help people, even though I'm not the top mod anymore. Just call me 'The Supreme Overlord of the multiverse! Just kidding just don't call me names I'm sensitive :)