
joined 1 year ago

Idea for off-shoot magazine (? is that what "subreddits" are called here? Haha) I had:

A space for people to create blogs for their aquariums. I'm in the UK and we have UKAPS as a great forum for people with planted tanks, but I get a bit intimidated by it as they're all generally stunning and healthy in a way that I can never seem to manage. We used to have Practical Fishkeeping forums as a spin off from the (actual, real world) magazine of the same name, and I used to love having a thread on there to update all my rescapes and new stock updates and just share current pictures etc. It was also one of my favourite Sunday morning activities to catch up on all the other blogs people had posted and it was lovely getting to know everyone's tanks and fish and all that community stuff. Anyway, Practical Fishkeeping closed down their forums and now the community is on Facebook, which is fine, but you can't really keep a blog on a Facebook group.

Sorry, a long rambling post, I know. I just miss having a space for blogs to read and write in, so wondered if this could be a new place to start something like that. With a small community it would be easier to really get to know people and follow their journeys, of course it might be too small right now, but just wanted to share some thoughts...
