
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

These are some good points. The more traditional engineering disciplines have a depth of methods and practices that developed over time, and software engineering is - what? only maybe 50 years old or so? I have not worked with software engineers, but with all other sorts, so I know if there is engineering going on in software development there will be certain methods in place: preliminary designs that senior teams evaluate and compare, interdisciplinary review so the features of design that "work" for one objective also do not detract from others, and quality control - nobody works alone - every calculation and every sentence and every communication is documented, reviewed by someone else, and recorded permanently.

I can imagine that some software engineering efforts must bring some of these tools to bear, sometimes - but the refrain in software development has long been "we don't have time or funds to do it that way - things are moving too fast, or it is too competitive." Which maybe all that is true, and maybe it can all be fun and games since nobody can get hurt. So if game developers want to call themselves engineers regardless of whether they follow, or even know about standards of their industry (let alone any others'), no harm, no foul, right?

An old friend of mine wrote the autopilot software for commercial passenger jets - though he retired about 25 years ago. He was undoubtedly engaged in a project that nowadays would be dubbed software engineering. The aerospace company included him in the team with a whole slew of different engineers of all sorts and they did all the sort of engineerish things. But I don't have the impression that much software goes through that kind of scrutiny - even software that demonstrably deeply affects lives and society. In a way this is like criticizing the engineering of an AR-15; what were the engineers thinking to develop something that would kill people?! But it seems like with software, the development has effects that are a complete shock even to the developers: facebook algorithms weren't devised to promote teen suicide, it was just an unforeseen side effect for a while.

I think it is time for software engineering to be taken seriously. And there is professional licensing. The problem is that corporations are dubbing their staff as software engineers a lot of times, when there is no licensed engineer in the building and there are no engineering systems in place. It is fine for me to say that I engineered the rickety shelves in my garage, because I'm an engineer and therefore it must be so, but that is some sensationally bad logic. They could collapse at any moment - I'm a chemical engineer.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Thank you for this correction. I will make a note that professional engineering has nothing to do with engineering - I don't know how I have been so confused for so long!

[–] [email protected] -3 points 11 months ago (5 children)

I think engineers have been held liable for the soundness and fitness-for-purpose of what they "engineered" since ancient Rome - though they have certainly been called upon to engineer a greater variety of things in the past couple of centuries. And I think if someone proposes to engineer software, I am all for that! We could do with a great deal more of it in fact. And let's dispense with this perpetual disclaimer of warranty for merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, and such terms. If an engineer designs it and it does not work, the engineer is generally held to be negligent and liable . . . except if they are a software engineer, of course.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

this seems to reflect the simultaneous co-opting of the titles "architect" (one who designs physical edifices such as buildings) and "engineer" (one who applies math and science principles to problems of infrastructure and industrial production). We all understand what is meant by design, but that does not mean a software design must be devised by an "engineer" or an "architect" anymore than an interior design (though there are also some self-styled "design architects" roaming about). So is it possible to say what is different about software development and software engineering without saying the engineer is an architect? Is it that software developers do not design anything (which in its simplest terms is 'artful arrangement')? That seems arbitrary - though I agree that there can also be a fine line sometimes between, say, architecture and structural engineering.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I am investigating some components of a system to make biochar with a solar concentrator but it is slow going. My idea is to circulate molten salt through the focus zone of a double-parabola channel. This focuses heat on the target pipe for a broad range of sun angles with no tracking. I have read that a eutectic mix of sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate (aka soda ash and potash, respectively) has a melting point under 500C, and fast pyrolysis is possible with molten salt at this temperature. I am trying to find information about electromagnetic pumping (aka magnetohydrodynamic pumping, just like Red October!) but there are very few such devices sold - mainly for continuous metal casting, apparently. If molten salt could be heated by sun and fast pyrolysis could be done (which makes a larger fraction of pyrolysis oil than slower processes would do), then there would be very little emissions and very little waste heat I think. Still some steam I suppose.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

"the necessity always to have been" could mean that for something to BE permanent, it is always necessary that it has existed previously. Whether any thing in this universe can be said to be permanent under such a criterion (within the perspective of spacetime) is doubtful. But if time is a feature of this universe, then there could be perspectives beyond it where all of this universe is permanent, I suppose.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

There seemed to be something wrong; because limestone is calcium carbonate already - it does not capture carbon dioxide. But what they are doing is (energy-intensively) calcining the limestone to remove CO2 (which they then sequester in some way not specified), and exposing the resulting lime (calcium oxide), to adsorb CO2 from the atmosphere. The calcium goes round and round in the process. They are using renewable energy for the calcining, so it is carbon-negative. This is a fairly old-school and low-tech approach, so quite likely to work.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

You don't have to use Google at all. They are pretty ubiquitous, so you have to make a little effort - search with another tool (I find duckduckgo to be quite satisfactory). Although Youtube has the lion's share of the video, there are other places to go. It is the same with all Google products.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Yes, that would be infuriating.


This has been a gratifying addition to the estate. When the garden works, sometimes it REALLY works. Of course neighbors get some overflow, but their gardens tend to be working too. Nothing would go to waste if we did not harvest, of course, but all kinds of dried stuff is nice to have: tomatoes, herbs, banana slices, mango slices, kale leaves - those are our top uses.

This is a simple design inspired by inheriting two suitable glass panes. It is a simple box with 1x6 plank sides (to make total "depth" of 11 inches (28cm). The "bottom" is a thin sheet of galvanized steel. Interior is painted flat black and it gets quite warm in there - I should measure some time.


I bought the electrical equipment from AltEStore and the panels (not shown!) from a local solar store. 4kW Schneider split-phase inverter (replaced once under warranty), and 60A MPPT. The array is a bit over 2kW. The battery bank is KiloVault lithium wired for 48V; 9.6kWh capacity (about $4800 for all eight units).


I've always heard that it takes a long time for new science to penetrate to the awareness of the general public. Centuries even. I think the physics of the 20thcent. will create a kind of atheistic mysticism in humanity over the next century or two. Einstein referred to spacetime and that it is "complete". There are four dimensions, three spatial and one temporal. We readily understand that places in space have permanence: the top of a mountain is always THERE even if nobody is looking at it. But we do not often think of time in such a way. Well, that is a bias due to our experience of the universe - but the universe is not like we experience it in many ways that have been revealed by twencen physics, eh? In the field of quantum physics, we are confronted with entanglement and the Bell Inequalities and the EPR Paradox. One of the solutions to the paradoxical nature of "wave function collapse", identified by Bell himself, is hard determinism: there is only one 4D, complete, spacetime and we are in it. We can analyze probabilities all we like, but regardless: there is ever only a single outcome possible - the eternal one that is crystallized in this 4D universe eternally. So what of causality and free will? It sure FEELS like we are rolling the ball, placing our bets, choosing our choices - this is the mystical koan of our existence - that we are creative agents in the unitary 4D universe we inhabit. Where does any supernatural consideration possibly fit into that?


I have been DIY-ing so long you'd think I would be good at it by now! I do buy some stuff pre-made (screws, electric drill, wire, etc) but I always think about whether I COULD have made it myself. When we bought our (premade) house in 2021, it had a few pieces of furniture, but I've made most of the rest (and you can definitely tell which is which!). I made my own computer (with some help from AMD and a few other "specialty suppliers". I made my own off-grid utilities - something DIY almost every day. I'll have to post a pic soon when something particularly "striking" comes along.


Welcome to Offgrid, experienced moderators are welcome to step forward. I'm Cade, formerly u/kg4jxt - off grid since 2001, and learning something new every day. Let's share our victories and disasters here. Aspirations and fears are welcome.


I used to discover a community of interest and they provided this link to subscribe: [email protected] but when I paste it in the search field for joining a community, nothing happens, or sometimes there is a "not found" message. A growing pain I suppose. I will keep trying . . .


As we devise systems of CO2 removal over the next decades, a key focus is how to create these systems to further the goal of social justice. Although big oil companies would like to see their infrastructure converted to greener, but still private and shareholder-benefiting; CDR projects offer many opportunities to directly improve the lives of local and under-served populations. When we sequester carbon in soil, that can benefit local farmers - by improving their land AND being a source of negative-emission revenue. As coastal areas flood and return to marine habitats, they can become public recreation and fishery support.


when we're talking about carbon dioxide in the air, the idea that we might mean something different between capturing it and removing it seems unintuitive. And yet we have two quite different concepts in circulation these days. This community is about CDR which is carbon dioxide removal (from the air), but there is also CCS - carbon capture and storage, and a new term gaining currency CCUS - carbon capture, utilization and storage. In this context, capture means removing CO2 from a point source emission, rather than from the mixed atmosphere. The CO2 in a point source is much more concentrated, so different technologies apply. You don't go to a orthodontics conference to present your work on new contact lenses - so don't start talking about CCS here in the CDR community; we'll just look at you funny.


I am a volunteer with an all-volunteer CDR organization OpenAir We work on advocacy, public education and technical development of CDR methods. This is an opportunity to reach and communicate with a broader swath of society. CDR is a fast-growing field and I want to collaborate.

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