And don't forget the slow and almost certain agonising death of rabies for which we have no cure
Trust me. You don't want to know. It's fucked up parasite shit. On the same level as the fungus that takes over ants.
Drift has nothing to do with what people are doing. It occurs naturally from any dust or debris that makes it into the controller. Obviously the better care you take the less likely it is but it's not user error causing stick drift.
Eh. You would think. But it could well have been about saving face more than actually wanting to do good. Think about how many people would have gone through the paperwork and trouble of getting their joycon repaired when buying a new pair is so much easier
True true. I guess some people consider cinnamon spicy
Is spice spicy?
As if they were willing to give up that revenue stream in any case. It makes them too much money.
Ours is very much a menace. Steals our other cats food. Jumps on the counter. Hisses at people that aren't even touching him but expects pets and cuddles the instant he feels like it
We have one completely identical (including heterochomia), Is yours an asshole too?
Have been using beeper almost exclusively. For the longest time instagram wasn't working and even now sending pictures seems to be broken. But I'll be dammed if their idea doesn't have merit
Please make sure you are right before you correct someone
I haven't heard of the biting in humans being as prevelant as in animals. But they certainly get more aggressive and loose control