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Don't understand all the downvotes. It's a video about the Draghi report and the problems he raises. I'm not too keen on the presenter, but the facts are good as long as you can separate them from his opinions.
Italy has the Ariete and France the Leclerc. I think there are a few in eastern Europe as well, but that might be modified Russian tanks. Not sure about those, sorry guys.
My point is that it's far too many. 2 max, and that's stretching it. If the US can manage with one, so can we.
I mean MBTs. How many do we have in Europe? 5? 6?
The Americans have one. The Abrahams.
I have a mastodon account, but using it feels like shouting into the void so I don't post much.
My thoughts exactly. Well put.
The "art of the deal" man really didn't know what he was doing when he undermined NATO. This was the real wake up call to Europe that the US couldn't be relied upon and that while alliances after fine, we really need to step up our military game, and part of that is to make sure we have our own equipment.
We should work tighter together and reduce waste by focusing on one model of tank, one or two IFV, etc instead of the large number we have now, mainly due to national interests.
I say start building an EU army, but start from the ground and build the whole chain, with focus on EU supplied equipment.
Even if it's not required, someone should have considered the schadenfreude and PR disaster from something like this happening.
Wasn't paywalled when I read it.
Clear and concise. Thanks.
In case of paywall.