Are you sure you don't need a website redesign? My company can get you on the right track!
Exactly what are you eager for, Mr. Eagle?
Did you weigh that $20 against all of the effort that you would need to go get your own damn food? You are paying for convenience! If you want a good deal don't pay someone else to do your work for you.
87 mph in american, btw.
10 seconds?!? My S20 takes like a full minute!
So what 3rd party was inspecting the strip club then? Obviously it's not EVERY industry.
I didn't think I needed the /s
Then again, what's to stop a legal brothel owner from doing the same shady shit? The authority figures were already paid off!
Wow, what and atrocity! How dare sex work be carried out in a place with security and safeguards! What would Jesus think?!?! Oh, wait....
I can hear this picture
You missed my point entirely. If underage porn ends up on pornhub, do the viewers get arrested? No, of course not.
LOL what? It would be the same if a minor uploaded themselves to Pornhub. The video would just be taken down.
Just assassinate your boss and let the good time roll ๐