
joined 2 years ago
[–] Buffalox 49 points 6 days ago (4 children)

The proposal could also see the two countries collaborating on aluminium extraction and supply to the US to stabilise prices, he added.

Oh kind of like THE OPPOSITE of tarifs? 🤣🤣🤣

[–] Buffalox 16 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

This war is not important to Ukraine or EU because of minerals, it's important because EU can't accept Russia encroaching on Europe again, and for Ukraine it's obviously important because they don't want to be controlled by Russia. When they can have autonomy and democracy with Europe.

Europe has at no point made any claims on Ukrainian natural ressources, but Russia is obviously interested in it, and now USA is trying to basically steal it.
The EU offer is probably mostly to help Ukraine not being exploited by USA, and make it easier for Ukraine to say no to USA.

These resources are nice to have, but they are NOT rare earth minerals like Trump claims.

[–] Buffalox 18 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

EV is approaching 50% in several markets, in Norway it's already way higher with 80-90% last I heard.
Battery technology is still developing, and the prices have already gone way way down compared to where they were a few years ago.
So now new models are introduced in the lower price range that actually have decent range and features.

This lower price range is still a bit higher than cheap ICE cars. But EV is constantly improving, on both range and price, while ICE is not.
Also the EV is way cheaper to own, and has way lower price to charge than buying gasoline or diesel.
Finally the pollution from an EV is way lower, especially CO2, which drives climate change.

So it seems pretty stupid to claim it doesn't matter.

[–] Buffalox 21 points 6 days ago

Although Hyundai is clearly ahead of the pack, even the South Korean auto giant admits that it doesn’t expect to begin mass-producing these batteries until at least 2030

So this is still some way off.

[–] Buffalox 42 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (3 children)

"Twenty-one of the 30 critical materials Europe needs can be provided by Ukraine in a win-win partnership,"

That's pretty awesome. 😎 😎

Trump has made increasingly aggressive overtures toward Ukraine for the rights to its mineral riches, demanding as much as $500 billion in compensation

Mafia methods by USA, which shows that USA has become an unreliable partner!!

“I will not sign what 10 generations of Ukrainians will have to pay back,” Zelenskyy said

And EU should absolutely not allow Ukraine to be pressured into that shitty deal.

[–] Buffalox 26 points 1 week ago

Thank you to Canada and all Canadians for supporting Ukraine against Russia, that has become a threat to all of Europe.

[–] Buffalox 14 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Yes there are huge populations around the world where superstition is quite extreme, and they believe witchcraft is a real thing. Haiti with their voodoo is probably the most famous, but they have similar superstitions all over Africa too.

At least it's less malignant here, that most superstitious people believe in crystal healing and homeopathy.

[–] Buffalox 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

According to BMW Blog, the company said at the introduction of the Gen 6 technology this week that its future electric cars would be able to drive at least 373 miles (600 kilometers) on a full charge,

That's amazing, BMW i4 is already heads and shoulders above Tesla quality IMO, but the "cheaper" models do have a bit low range.
They are a bit outside my range financially, but I have a neighbor that has an i4 eDRIVE-40, and it's an amazing car if you can afford it.

This model is the longest range BMW i4 with 582 km, (Lowest 481 km) so the new models should ALL be better than the best previous generation!

some models capable of up to 570 miles (900 km)

This is sooo awesome, maybe I can get a used one of the older model cheap then. 😋😎

[–] Buffalox 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Du behøver ikke efter min mening at boykotte firmaer der bruger Amazon.
Jeg aner da ikke selv hvor 90% af de ting jeg bruger er hostet.
Men jeg ville aldrig selv bruge en Amerikansk service udbyder til WebHotel eller Cloud service.
Jeg bruger heller ikke Google som søgemaskine men Qwant.
Så så længe du ikke selv bruger AWS, så har du gjort dit efter min mening.

[–] Buffalox 4 points 1 week ago

Jeg ved der er mange der har svært ved at finde alternativer til specifikke produkter fra diverse IT giganter. Men der hvor du kan, ville det være bedre at skifte. Især hvis du kan finde et open source alternativ.
Personligt har jeg det fint med LibreOffice, men hvis du har meget specifikke ting du SKAL bruge, vil det binde dig til det ene specifikke produkt. Reelt betydende at du har mistet friheden til at vælge.


Mht. Onedrive vil jeg klart anbefale et skifte til en uafhængig løsning. Microsoft forsøger ALTID at binde dig til deres løsninger. F.eks. ved at integrere dem og gøre det besværligt at skifte.

[–] Buffalox 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Thanks, that's very interesting.
Maybe Russia also thought that pushing hard would grind down the Ukrainian army, making it impossible for Ukraine to defend themselves.
All in all, I'm impressed that Ukraine has been able to withstand the insane pressure from Russia.

[–] Buffalox 13 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (10 children)

Kun en samlet europæisk indsats ville kunne påvirke USA.

Jamen det har vi så heldigvis også. Tesla gik ca. 40% tilbage i Januar i Danmark, men Europa gennemsnittet er 50%. Ledt af Frankrig med 63% og Tyskland med 59%.

Så jeg synes da bestemt vi skal blive ved. Og boykotte f.eks. Microsoft, Amazon og Apple også.

Personligt har vi også solgt vores Amerikanske aktier, som selvom det ikke var mange, så vil vi ikke støtte den Amerikanske økonomi ved at købe deres værdipapirer.

Hvis det er Amerikansk, så prøv at finde et alternativ, helst Europæisk.


The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 06.11.23 were approximately:
personnel ‒ about 305970 (+880) persons,
tanks ‒ 5288 (+4),
APV ‒ 9958 (+5),
artillery systems – 7389 (+14),
MLRS – 867 (+0),
Anti-aircraft warfare systems ‒ 570 (+0),
aircraft – 322 (+0),
helicopters – 324 (+0),
UAV operational-tactical level – 5554 (+20),
cruise missiles ‒ 1556 (+2),
warships / boats ‒ 20 (+0),
submarines - 1 (+0),
vehicles and fuel tanks – 9744 (+14),
special equipment ‒ 1047 (+0)
Data are being updated.
Strike the occupier! Let's win together! Our strength is in the truth!



The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 05.11.23 were approximately:
personnel ‒ about 305090 (+990) persons,
tanks ‒ 5284 (+8),
APV ‒ 9953 (+14),
artillery systems – 7375 (+12),
MLRS – 867 (+6),
Anti-aircraft warfare systems ‒ 570 (+2),
aircraft – 322 (+0),
helicopters – 324 (+0),
UAV operational-tactical level – 5534 (+0),
cruise missiles ‒ 1554 (+3),
warships / boats ‒ 20 (+0),
submarines - 1 (+0),
vehicles and fuel tanks – 9730 (+14),
special equipment ‒ 1047 (+9)
Data are being updated.
Strike the occupier! Let's win together! Our strength is in the truth!



The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 04.11.23 were approximately:
personnel ‒ about 304100 (+830) persons,
tanks ‒ 5276 (+11),
APV ‒ 9939 (+38),
artillery systems – 7363 (+35),
MLRS – 861 (+7),
Anti-aircraft warfare systems ‒ 568 (+2),
aircraft – 322 (+0),
helicopters – 324 (+0),
UAV operational-tactical level – 5534 (+39),
cruise missiles ‒ 1551 (+0),
warships / boats ‒ 20 (+0),
submarines - 1 (+0),
vehicles and fuel tanks – 9716 (+25),
special equipment ‒ 1038 (+4)
Data are being updated.
Strike the occupier! Let's win together! Our strength is in the truth!



The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 03.11.23 were approximately:
personnel ‒ about 303270 (+850) persons,
tanks ‒ 5265 (+24),
APV ‒ 9901 (+24),
artillery systems – 7328 (+36),
MLRS – 854 (+4),
Anti-aircraft warfare systems ‒ 566 (+0),
aircraft – 322 (+0),
helicopters – 324 (+0),
UAV operational-tactical level – 5495 (+7),
cruise missiles ‒ 1551 (+2),
warships / boats ‒ 20 (+0),
submarines - 1 (+0),
vehicles and fuel tanks – 9691 (+33),
special equipment ‒ 1034 (+2).
Data are being updated.
Strike the occupier! Let's win together! Our strength is in the truth!


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