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[–] Buffalox 2 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Your standard of fairness is skewed, possibly because of a lifetime of privilege, or maybe you think you are only temporarily inconvenienced?
Fairness was completely thrown out the window, when Republicans chose Trump as their presidential candidate 3 times!

[–] Buffalox 4 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

put all blame on the party

Imagine how bad they see the democrats to be, when the democratic voters simply failed to show up!
If they think Democrats are no better than republicans, they kind of have a point. Harris had nice ideas about helping people buy a house, but how the fuck does that help the homeless or others that are REALLY struggling, way beyond the ability to buy a house?
If you can buy a house with a little help, you are not struggling to survive. Democrats are not there for the poor. There is very little idealism left in American politics, it's been squashed by 2 majority parties that monopolize politics.

That's not a fault of the poor, or the leftists that want real improvements, maybe like the Scandinavian model. AOC has explained this again and again, but democrats still pander to the right, because they are more in favor of wall street than helping the poor.

Some of those people voted for Trump, in part because they are stupid, but also in part to bring the pain to others too.
That's what you get with a dysfunctional democracy, and PLEASE tell me again how that isn't also a problem with the democrats???

[–] Buffalox 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (8 children)

You were dismissive of “disillusioned leftists”

How do you figure that? When what I criticize is the lack of political action and ambition by the democrats when facing Trump.
As an example Pelosy was a menace for blocking actions against Trump, at his last presidency, there's a long list of lack of doing anything, even when it's desperately needed!!
This is not on the left, they have been screaming that more needs to be done, that the democratic party lacks ambition. How the fuck is it their fault?

The problem is that democracy in USA is dysfunctional, and Democrats are absolutely part of that problem.
That has nothing to do with saying they are the same, because obviously democrats were the lesser evil, and obviously everybody should have turned up to vote. But the reason they didn't, was that democrats didn't give them a good enough reason to do so, backing an 80 year old relic for most of the campaign.

I actually tried to get people to see why it was important to vote Biden instead of Trump, but people simply didn't care.

So what do YOU think should have been done differently, because Biden would have lost even worse than Harris. How is it not the fault of democrats that they didn't manage to get their presidential candidate elected over an evil sociopathic liar like Trump?

And how is it wrong to reflect over it, and point it out?

[–] Buffalox 2 points 2 weeks ago (19 children)

without making a point to say that people are right to vote against them

I didn't do that, I'd NEVER claim anyone is right to vote for Trump. It's only that the democrats failed to create any enthusiasm at all, and they've had decades to try to improve democracy in USA, and has done nothing.
Democrats have been happy with the status quo for decades, so they don't inspire enthusiasm.

Also I'll criticize democrats as much as I want. The best thing about them is that they are not sociopaths like the republicans, but that's a fucking low bar, and still they failed!!!

[–] Buffalox 1 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

It shall be interesting to see how he reacts.

[–] Buffalox 1 points 2 weeks ago (21 children)

No kidding Bernie is 83 years old now. It's like saying Jimmy Carter would have lost!
The problem is that Democrats doesn't push new younger candidates, with new ideas, they don't even have to be that new, as long as they aren't decidedly obsolete.
But the main problem remains that a 2 party system is merely one party better than China.
Many Americans seem to not grasp the truth in that.

[–] Buffalox 16 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

If you are US citizen, you must still pay taxes to USA when you work and live in another country.
IDK if there are other things, but that's pretty major for some people.

[–] Buffalox 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (6 children)

I'd guess renouncing your US citizenship.

[–] Buffalox 5 points 2 weeks ago (23 children)

How is it different now? Trump won against Hillary, although he didn't win the popular vote.
Democrats had ruined their chances pushing Biden and demanding everybody pool together behind him.
I personally liked Harris and thought she would win. Why she didn't IDK, all I know is that the Democratic label is not very strong, and apparently she didn't bring enough to swing the vote.

[–] Buffalox 8 points 2 weeks ago (25 children)

No they are not if they had alternatives. Back with Hillary many polls showed that Trump voters would rather vote for Bernie Sanders than Hillary. And that Bernie Sanders had a bigger chance of winning.
Obviously Bernie Sanders is way further to the left. But the moron Democrats wanted a more to the right wall street friendly candidate.
And they got what they deserved.

[–] Buffalox 23 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (52 children)

Problem is that if you want to vote for the defense of democracy and progress and tolerance of it, there is nowhere to go. Because USA is realistically only a 2 party system.
Obviously I prefer Democrats over Republican insanity. It's just that in reality there is no real opposition to MAGA.
And yes it is very much also the fault of Democrats, for failing to modernize democracy in USA.
Democrats need to wake the fuck up, and skip a mentality where they push for an 80 year old President for Christ sake!!!

[–] Buffalox 13 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Nobody really wants that, but considering the circumstances, we need to be able to defend ourselves.
Lack of military power is apparently still today an invitation for maniacs like Putin.
So it's not actually money for war, it's money to deter it. At what point have you seen EU being aggressive militarily?
EU was created to ensure the peace in Europe, but Russia has broken that thoroughly.

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