I didn't know that, but yes, it would probably seem confusing to use different terminologies for essentially the same thing.
Yes of course, bi-fold rolls equally well. 👍
OK I'm onboard with that. 🍻
Oh it's the economy is it? That's the biggest problem with Trump?
It's not about him undermining democracy from day 1?
Or the fact that he is internationally despised for his incompetence and acting like an elephant in a China store.
There were lots of warnings that Trumps policies would hurt the economy. If you voted for Trump, you got exactly what you voted for!!!
I'd agree if you had written any story about Trump or "him". But I'm not quite sure what "this" is?
If you claim any story about Ukraine is about money I strongly disagree.
Although dubbed a trifold, the phone has three mini-panels and folds only twice.
It's three elements that can fold together.
It's probably called tri- because it rolls better on the tongue than dual or double fold.
But goddam €3.499m,- is a steep price, especially considering there were initial reports of quite serious problems with it.
Are you acting stupid on purpose? There are many ways to extend a contract, this would be an extension to the new company, do you think things can only be extended in time?
Also an extended contract doesn't have to be the literal same contract, but can be a new contract that replaces the old one, but with extra things added.
No not really, I said license agreements they've received from other companies. That's just ONE VERY SPECIFIC form of contract, not contracts in general.
Obviously if both parties agree, they can extend the contract to the new company without problem.
How does that confuse you?
transferable rights
That's the point, how can those exist without consent???
If that's the case they have no right to extend their license to another company.
Yes absolutely, IDK for sure but maybe it was that, that made it immediately SCREAM double standard to me?
Understaffed IRS benefit the rich the most, because those are the most difficult to go after, because they use expensive lawyers.
The average guy however, can only bend over and take it. So they are always targeted first!!!