death threats against Musk.
death threats against Musk.
This split seems more likely by the day.
But it won't help Russia, because Europe will pull together and increase aid to Ukraine, and I seriously doubt Americans really want this split. So in the most extreme case, Trump will be removed, and things will hopefully normalize.
But I think the split will indeed get worse before it returns to normal again.
I bet at least 90% of American politicians are very well aware who their true allies are, and it's not the dictators Trump wants to work with.
Half the military is probably MAGA, military persons tend to like authoritarian leaders.
So don't bet on them as the last defense. It needs to be resolved BEFORE military becomes a factor.
but who the hell is going to step up and actually try to stop him?
To me it seems that there is no actual hard checks and balances, it's all based on respecting norms, and anyone who doesn't, that has control of the executive branch, will be very hard to stop.
But that's what I've been warning USA about repeatedly for more than 20 years. USA is a dysfunctional democracy, the 2 party system undermines democracy. Everybody has known that since the constitution was written, but Americans wanted that because they imagine this system to be more "efficient" at making "strong" decisions.
Maybe so, but if it's at the cost of democracy, those decisions are very likely not good decisions.
I think we can safely say that the US government has failed the people for decades, despite being richer, when you compare to the superior rights and freedoms and quality of life in Europe.
As an absolute fan of USA in the 70's when I was young, the decline of American society over the past 50 years has been a sad sight.
Everything changed when Reagan was elected over Carter, and the humanist ideal have never come back.
how close is the United States to a constitutional crisis: Are we headed toward one, on the brink, or already there?
Since Trump has already declared that only the President can interpret the law, I'd say USA is already there.
Also the administration is taking over offices that are supposed to be controlled by congress.
Finally, the illegal intervention and control extended to Elon Musk where he has has lifted information also illegally, and has CLEAR conflicts of interest, is enough by itself.
So IMO USA is already there on several counts.
Trump is a fascist, and he is REALLY trying to create a totalitarian state this time, and it's evident to have been planned beforehand.
PS: This alone too is a constitutional crisis:
To declare himself King, might seem like just in bad taste, but it's actually what he see himself as, and he won't stop until he has absolute control.
It's also unconstitutional because Kings are above the law, and the constitution says nobody is above the law.
So the constitutional crises began already BEFORE Trump was president, when a hijacked supreme court declared the President to actually be above the law. (as long as it's a republican)
PS: Quote from the constitution Section 9 clause 8:
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States.
Understaffed IRS benefit the rich the most, because those are the most difficult to go after, because they use expensive lawyers.
The average guy however, can only bend over and take it. So they are always targeted first!!!
I didn't know that, but yes, it would probably seem confusing to use different terminologies for essentially the same thing.
Yes of course, bi-fold rolls equally well. 👍
OK I'm onboard with that. 🍻
Oh it's the economy is it? That's the biggest problem with Trump?
It's not about him undermining democracy from day 1?
Or the fact that he is internationally despised for his incompetence and acting like an elephant in a China store.
There were lots of warnings that Trumps policies would hurt the economy. If you voted for Trump, you got exactly what you voted for!!!
I'd agree if you had written any story about Trump or "him". But I'm not quite sure what "this" is?
If you claim any story about Ukraine is about money I strongly disagree.
As an EU citizen, we want good relations with USA, It's 100% Trump and Musk who are ruining it.
They are literally insane, and USA needs to remove them. Unless they do, I guess we can't be friends anymore.