Absolutely USA as a country has been a huge success, and I think you are right, that people think that proves the model is good.
But there are many other factors that have helped USA become a success. A huge population with a unified language is one, massive agricultural potential is another. Lot's of natural resources, and oil to kick-start industrialization.
It will be hard to elevate public education much without social reforms. AFAIK USA spend more on public education than many European countries, but results are worse, maybe in part because of poverty.
It's way harder for Children that live in poverty to pay attention to school to the same degree that better off children can. That's been a well known fact for many decades, and USA is doing absolutely diddly about it.
Jeg vil vædde på at de har klausuler i deres aftaler som giver dem ret til at ændre på både service indhold og pris. For det er helt standard med den type abonnementer, at de ofte bliver lavet om i forhold til markedet.
Som du kan se kalder de det "en fornyelse" af aftalen, hvilket betyder den gamle aftale ophører, og hvis du vil fortsætte med at bruge HBO, er du nødt til at acceptere den nye. Så med mindre du har dokumentation for at aftalen skal løbe længere end til 24. marts, er mit gæt at du intet kan gøre.
Du har til gengæld mulighed for at opsige. Formodentlig også med virkning 24 marts, da de netop skriver at aftalen fornyes på den dato.
Yes, but it can't wait 4 years, because in 4 years Trump may have transformed USA government to a totalitarian regime.
You are right, the problem is very much a widespread attitude in USA.
They need to modernize their democracy, and they need to modernize their interpretation and regulation of what free speech is.
The 2 main reasons USA is as fucked up as it is now, is that the 2 party system undermines democracy, and way too much misinformation is allowed.
You can't build democracy on lies.
I really really hope Americans will wake up soon, and realize this.
Only because the people allow it.
I know nobody can change that alone, but USA need to friggin get some graasroot movements going to get real democracy, and elect politicians that don't prioritize only the 1%.
The 2 party system simply doesn't work.
Even if you are right, there's a huge difference between what Trump is asking, and what normal presidents ask of you to be friends.
Being friends is supposed to be a 2 way relationship, but with Trump it's not.
As an EU citizen, we want good relations with USA, It's 100% Trump and Musk who are ruining it.
They are literally insane, and USA needs to remove them. Unless they do, I guess we can't be friends anymore.
death threats against Musk.
This split seems more likely by the day.
But it won't help Russia, because Europe will pull together and increase aid to Ukraine, and I seriously doubt Americans really want this split. So in the most extreme case, Trump will be removed, and things will hopefully normalize.
But I think the split will indeed get worse before it returns to normal again.
I bet at least 90% of American politicians are very well aware who their true allies are, and it's not the dictators Trump wants to work with.
Half the military is probably MAGA, military persons tend to like authoritarian leaders.
So don't bet on them as the last defense. It needs to be resolved BEFORE military becomes a factor.
but who the hell is going to step up and actually try to stop him?
To me it seems that there is no actual hard checks and balances, it's all based on respecting norms, and anyone who doesn't, that has control of the executive branch, will be very hard to stop.
But that's what I've been warning USA about repeatedly for more than 20 years. USA is a dysfunctional democracy, the 2 party system undermines democracy. Everybody has known that since the constitution was written, but Americans wanted that because they imagine this system to be more "efficient" at making "strong" decisions.
Maybe so, but if it's at the cost of democracy, those decisions are very likely not good decisions.
I think we can safely say that the US government has failed the people for decades, despite being richer, when you compare to the superior rights and freedoms and quality of life in Europe.
As an absolute fan of USA in the 70's when I was young, the decline of American society over the past 50 years has been a sad sight.
Everything changed when Reagan was elected over Carter, and the humanist ideal have never come back.
This should be obvious, but poor people are just too stupid to figure out even the simplest things.