I finally got Nicoled a couple of days ago. Totes blessed here.
joined 2 years ago
In a recent Astrum video the host was talking about the state of the Earth in the upcoming millions of years. The Earth's crust is always reshaping. We just don't see it because our time here is so short. After we as humans are gone every thing we've done as a civilisation will be covered over under layers of new crust. Buildings will fall, the toxic mess will be settled, some life will continue after us, and new forms of life may arise. Thinking in that grander scale, nothing we do really matters. All we can do is try to not be shitty assholes within the ocean of shitty assholes around us. We'll all end up under a compacted layer of new Earth crust and eventually be swallowed up by our own sun. And that thought makes me feel calm.
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Holding up signs of protest are the new thoughts and prayers. The status quo needs to wake up and quit waiting for someone to save them. Their daddy left to get cigarettes a long time ago and isn't coming home.