Permanent apportionment was a mistake.
7ish? drinks in on the west coast. Maybe a few more to come.
We cannot afford to fall victim to the Nirvana fallacy.
We must work within the system to change the system or we risk being excluded entirely.
¿Por qué no los dos?
hear the lamentations of their women and all that jazz
I'm now imagining some Roman officers relaxing in a dark room, drinking some recently acquired wine, and listening to the lamentations of the spouses of the conquered like it was a new Duke Ellington release in the 50s.
Might be overselling the reality factor.
I'd also accept "motion sickness."
I think we've missed the point. "America first" is self referential for him. If a job he needs done can be done cheaper, that's the right thing to do; that's his America, and he's the top American (because anyone who thinks otherwise is a criminal or demon, or doesn't count for any other reason he comes up with on the fly). So if it gets him ahead, that's by definition "American."
I have no mouth, and I must scream.
We can still hold out hope. MI is trash in this take, and the remaining uncalled could reasonably turn the tide in those states.
For now.