
joined 2 years ago
[–] BorisBoreUs 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Dude needs to crowdfund a walk-in safe for those cards. Theyre breaking in because once inside they can take what they want. Also, dummy packs mixed in with GPS trackers.

[–] BorisBoreUs 2 points 1 month ago


[–] BorisBoreUs 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Type random characters in field.

Select all typed characters.


Problem solved.

[–] BorisBoreUs 2 points 1 month ago

You know atuin is legit because the demo gif on their site is using GruvBox, the most bestest color scheme.

[–] BorisBoreUs 1 points 2 months ago

Had this setup for 4.5yrs. No issues.

[–] BorisBoreUs 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I have an RV with 2x 10 gauge, 50' extensions running power to it. I have a built-to-purpose coverat the connection point. Its fine and safe enough. Just keep slack at the connection. It cant be under pull stress.

[–] BorisBoreUs 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Ya'll need some Mr. Mobile in your lives...

Mr. Mobile

When Phones Were Fun

[–] BorisBoreUs 15 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Good ol' Trash-80 ...learned Basic on one of those.

[–] BorisBoreUs 8 points 3 months ago

This is above my 'not keen on cryptographic maths' head. Can someone dumb this down and explain its usefulness in plain terms? I attempted to read the overview but it was also like Sanskrit to me. Is this a big change for public key encryption or maybe a more efficient way of processing the math, or just an alternate method someone has found?


Howdy. I wanted a central place for information surrounding smartphone keyboards since there have been some changes recently to a few of them. I hope to keep this post afloat over the long term so we can share experiences, information, news, etc to find the perfect smartphone keyboard for ourselves and help others do the same.

Smartphone keyboards are unique apps. How a person interacts with the device they probably use more consistently than any other is a big consideration. Add to that the potential for direct data theft through the keyboard itself potentially being a fancy keylogger and it makes sense to pay more attention to the app that many of us dont give a second thought to.

To that end, i think we should crowdsource 1st hand usage experience coupled with news and information to make a list of keyboards. Everyone has different priorities, use cases, and needs. The list should reflect that diversity.

"Why now borZ0, whats the big deal?"

Well, i used Swype (which is the greatest of all keyboards in ever forever) until the most recent version of OneUI came out and borked it. ( be fair, from what i understand, no development has been done with Swype since it sold years back and this was bound to happen) Since my precious keyboard was ripped from my hands I've been trying very hard to like samsung's native keyboard... trying so hard.... but am open to something that better fits my use case. I'm more privacy and security focused now and would prefer a keyboard that wasn't feasting on my user data. If this thread gets enough data, maybe we can put together a spreadseet listing multiple data points....?

I'm writing this from a coffee shop and will add more of my own experiences and collected data over the next couple days but wanted to get the ball rolling. Please post your own experiences, links to articles, wikipedia, inevitable Lemmy posts that have aleady talked about this (even links to the site which shall not be named are useful) and we can start getting a list/ table together.

Tldr: Smartphone keyboards are important and often lame. Thoughts?

Beginning list:


To start, I'm glad that your ship inventory follows you when you switch home ships. It would be a pain to have to transfer everything manually and end up with multiple ships housing forgotten inventory forcing you to search ship after ship in your fleet to find specific items. However, my primary ship is built out to have an armory with cool things I've found displayed in weapon cases, on racks, etc. When you switch your home-ship, everything is dumped in to main inventory on the new ship, and even if you switch back to your original ship, the items are again dumped in to the main inventory. Not only does this hamstring the coolness of being able to display gear on a ship, but it can screw you over if the display items put your total inventory overweight in main storage. Over the course of certain questlines, you need to switch ships for the story, or maybe you come across a ship you decide to "liberate", or maybe it's a ship is a quest reward, regardless, your inventories get jumbled up. It seems to me, that your items could be tagged by the game to indicate which storage they were in (main, captain's, other, display) so that as they move from ship to ship they can be better located. Additionally, I think the game could save the state of your inventory items and when they go back to a ship you've already set up, they would default to where they were before. I guess we'll have to see what the modders can do.

TLDR: Why would I take the time to display my items if it's all going to get thrown in to main storage anytime I switch ships..?

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