I wouldn't burn anything greasy or oily in a wood burning stove. All that junk will end up accreting in the chimney pipe. Especially if you have a catalytic combustor. My wood stove user manual says don't burn anything but clean wood for this reason. A wad of paper and pile of kindling should get you going fine without burning oil in there.
joined 2 years ago
This ain't even close to world news. Spam hustle culture click bait ass garbage.
Literally no one knows what you're talking about
That's my fetish.jpg
Was their symbol really a giant phallus? Seems a little on the nose.
Spoiler alert, there are only 5 public bathrooms in New York City and they're all super nasty.
Please tag your posts with the language you are using.
Please tag your posts with the language you are using.
Sappho and her roommate
Reads reason - ah this user definitely said some fucked up stuff and now they're butthurt about people calling them out.
Checks comment history - yup.
Is sports news tho?