
joined 4 years ago

A very comprehensive, well-referenced piece which thoroughly and concisely addresses the major myths and media distortions of Xinjiang. This article is ideal for people who are on the fence or laboring under misconceptions as it doesn't assume knowledge and it also lays out the case against NATO bloc propaganda in an accessible manner.


This is the somewhat infamous "50 vs 22 split" letter to the UN Human Rights Council which has 50 countries supporting China's actions in Xinjiang, and it contains the signatures from the majority of official Muslim countries and Muslim majority countries.


This is an official resolution from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation which directly addresses Xinjiang in certain parts. The OIC serves as "the collective voice of the Muslim world" and works to "safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony".


Tursunay Ziyawudun has since amended her claims about her experience in a Chinese reeducation center numerous times, with each becoming more outrageous, more scandalous, and more barbaric with each retelling as her handlers have encouraged her to exaggerate her story again and again to push their desired narrative.

Take an extremely critical view of this article but also take note that Ziyawudun is a major source of "intel" on the reeducation centers and if you hear her name come up remember that she is an incredibly unreliable^*^ witness and her claims should be viewed with extreme skepticism.


^*^Although she is very reliable for the Xinjiang misinformation complex

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