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[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 13 points 4 months ago (5 children)

No one can argue Trump didn't get things done. He got a lot done, especially when you compare that to the perception people have of the Biden administration.

But I brought this up earlier: Trump may hate his followers, absolutely loathe them, but he still panders to them, even if it's fake promises. He accomplishes things they want done, and shows he can make progress, something the Democrats botch literally anytime they get any semblance of power. Trump makes his constituents feel heard.

The Democrats, just, don't. Everyone on Lemmy I'm sure has seen people offering criticism of Biden/Harris, and the response has been to immediately insult, scold, condescend, and shame the individual for not towing the party line. Your concerns, anxieties, hangups, none of that matters because fascism bad so stfu and vote and also fuck you anyway.

Trump's supporters ask him to abolish vaccines, and he seriously considers it.

Harris' supporters ask her to not support a genocide in Palestine, and she sends Bill Clinton to lecture them about why Israel has the right to do what they're doing.

It's a two-way street, the politicians just can't keep demanding our votes and ignoring our issues. And if that's what they're going to do, then congratulations, you've turned your voting base apathetic, and you deserve to lose to fascism.

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 9 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Those that didn't vote failed to stop fascism from rising.

The Democratic party, who failed to rally non-voters and instead chose to try and court Republican voters to their cause, failed to stop fascism from rising.

Stop blaming voters for politicians running on unpopular policies. I've checked repeatedly today, Harris lost Michigan by under 100,000 votes, but there were over 100,000 protest votes during the primary.

Before the election, 35% of Pennsylvania voters and 37% of Arizona voters polled said they would be more likely to vote for Harris if they would agree to cease weapons shipments to Israel without contingencies. The DNC sent Bill Clinton to lecture the residents of Michigan about why Israel is justified in killing their loved ones instead of, idk, taking a stance that could win you much needed votes in a swing state. They brought Republican after Republican to speak at the DNC, but allotted no time for Palestinian Democrats to speak.

They gave their own constituents the middle finger, like always, while demanding their unwavering support. All while being more concerned about trying to win over Republicans instead of rallying their own non-voters to the polls.

Gee, that sure worked out great for them, is that the voter's fault too? It's astounding how the same people who were insulting and condescending to conflicted Dem voters the last couple weeks are now screeching and crying that it's the fault of the people they insulted and bullied that they lost.

Y'all don't have mirrors you can look in? Maybe start there, and understand why you can't dismiss the concerns of entire swaths of your constituency and still feel entitled to their support, regardless of the dire threat that the Democrats didn't take seriously enough.

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 31 points 4 months ago (2 children)

"I didn't hear anyone calling for other candidates."

That was a response I got from a guy when I brought up the botched primary all thanks to Biden's hubris.

Like, no shit Sherlock, we couldn't call for anyone else, there was no time!

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 13 points 4 months ago

What are you talking about?!?! The Dems ran a flawless campaign, it's all the voters who are wrong!!! Don't know they know what the Dems tell them is right is right?!? Don't you know you're fucking stupid if you have any qualms about not voting for Harris?!?

  • 90% of Lemmy users right now trying to find any reason to blame anyone but the DNC for their hubris and entitlement
[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 17 points 4 months ago (8 children)

What's a politicians job during the campaign?

To convince people that they're worth electing.

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 3 points 4 months ago

The fact you're willing to list the ACA as progressive when the only reason it was passed was because yhe Dems let the Republicans kneecap it as a "progressive win" is fucking laughable.

And it shows the exact problem with the DNC, and why they lose: they can't just be progressive, they have to work across the aisle, and have to compromise, no matter what.

And to be clear, I'm not playing both sides, what you're listing as "progressive" is so laughably not progressive by any metric of the word, that it's almost funny. The "progress" has been returning to the status quo, every fucking election cycle, and yet you guys bitch and moan the left don't show up. Why would they, the candidates you're listing have one progressive policy you're attributing to them

And wow, cool, you listed Gore as the "progressive" candidate, and then list a single progressive policy he had while dismissing that the Dems gave up the fight for him and let the SCOTUS give it to Bush. Then you talk about one policy Obama had that was progressive and then claim he's punished for it: it clearly didn't have anything to do with the fact the ACA wasn't what the Democrats promised at all, and then they let the Republicans control the narrative on it.

There's no point discussing further with you, clearly Harris and Biden were the golden children, and all the voters, the people politicians fucking work for, they have to change and get over it. No no, it's not the Democrats who need to change, no, they've only lost 4 out of the last 7 presidential elections, they're completely right.

So let's keep voting them in so they can see that their centrist policies work and they don't have to change everything. Oh, you're going to change their mind after they're elected? That's cute, they already got your vote, what does your opinion matter anymore? You gonna protest? Yeah, ask the Anti-Genocide protestors how that was handled under the Biden admin, and how open they were to changing their stance on that after the fact.

What a fucking joke. 🙄

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 4 points 4 months ago (7 children)

No one fell for anything, the Democrats are a shitty party who won't get with the times, no one was brainwashed, you just sound sad and delusional.

Is it true or not that Biden has continued support to Israel, unmitigated and even sidestepping Congress, despite vocal outcries from his constituents? Is it true or not that Harris basically followed Biden's policy regarding Palestine despite vocal opposition from within her own party?

A lot of younger people didn't know better and fell for it.

THERE IT IS!! Can't just blame all voters, no no, now we've got to blame young voters specifically for the Democrats failing to distance themselves from a genocide, and running an uninspiring campaign for a large part of their voting populace they completely discounted.

God, I didn't think it'd be a post-election day discussion without the young people being blamed for everything.

Israel's genocide in Gaza has been Gen Z's moral injury.

Israel's genocide in Gaza was the softest ball the Democrats could've been served, and they whiffed on it repeatedly. A proxy state humiliated us and made us their bitch on the world stage, and the Democrats still wouldn't stop cradling Netanyahu's balls for him.

And it's disgusting that politicians put the American people in the situation of having to choose whether or not to support a genocide, and worse, to what degree they support one.

Bad actors exploited that to give fascists the win. And a lot of people fell for it.

I didn't realize bad actors pointed out the absurdity of the Democrat campaign (not allowing primaries because Biden wouldn't step down and his staff hid his failing mental faculties, running on a centrist platform despite early progressive motivation, reversing her fracking policy, not supporting M4A, basically being Biden 2.0).

I also didn't realize bad actors chose to try and court the vote of people who would never support them (Republicans) while making no effort to win over the more progressive part of the party because 🤷‍♀️. That's the real "fell for it": the Democrats really thought "wE'rE nOt FaScIsT" was going to be good enough for another election. They really thought getting Walz to play on Twitch was more important and enticing then telling Americans they would get progressive policies.

But you're right, let's keep blaming the voters fed up with the system, and especially being fed up with, "No no, for realz, this time for realz we promise we'll do the things we promised the last 4 times, really for real."

Maybe the Democrats should've taken their voters seriously, and their wants seriously, at any point in the last few decades. But no, we get centrist, status quo bullshit, and if we demand our candidates move left, we get chucklefucks like you telling us we need to meet them in the very middle, and then we can start asking them to move our way. Bullshit, the Democrats can move left, or they can cease to exist, we keep trying it their way, and nothing is getting done.

Hope it was worth losing to fascism, DNC, you and your party elite sure do keep showing us you know best. 👍

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Once again, I fucking understand what you're saying, quoting it for the third time doesn't make it sound anymore correct. What part of "To go to the middle, you have to compromise from the left, and therefore are already giving up on progress" do you not seem to understand?!

We're on the same side, I'm telling you the average American doesn't give a flying fuck. "We need to play the political blah blah" we've been listening to it for fucking decades, shit or get off the pot. The Democrats don't want to pass progressive policy, they don't want progressive voices at the forefront of their party, and "meeting them in the middle and becoming centrists to then infiltrate them" is so fucking ass backwards I'm tired of you parroting it at me like it's some groundbreaking idea.

The DNC chooses their candidates that they back and run, they choose to run centrists across the country, all they have to do is shift the party platform and run more progressive candidates. They've had the ability to do so for decades, and they just fucking won't.

So I don't understand why you think working with them, compromising with them when they do nothing but give empty promises and bullshit excuses, is somehow going to magically turn the party left because of one cult-like candidate (who we had, btw, Bernie, the DNC shit all over him, remember) who "centralizes power."

We both want the party to move left, I think you're way of doing so is ass backwards, and you, mine. So I'm done with this discussion.

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 4 points 4 months ago

Yep, let's blame the person who A. Told people to vote for Harris leading up to the election, if you check my comment history, and B. Voted for Harris.

The Democrats lost because of their own hubris, Drag, and their own entitlement and arrogance. My words made no difference, especially considering Harris lost Michigan by less than 100,000 votes. The same state that launched the Palestinian Protest Vote movement, where over 100,000 people cast uncommitted votes to protest the Biden admins stance on Israel.

So maybe the Democrats should listened to the voices of their constituents, Drag, and maybe people like me would have less to complain about.

But your friend's blood, and mine (I'm trans, drag, you're not the only one that exists on the queer spectrum), is on the Democrat's hands, and no one elses. They reran their playbook from 2016 and it cost them, maybe they'll finally learn their lesson.

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 5 points 4 months ago

This was beautifully put. 💜

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I'm flattered you think my writing is good enough for a copypasta 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

I like how I'm providing context and thought, y'know, those things in your brain that make your head hurt, but I'm also the copypasta troll who can't handle being told they're wrong.

That's cute, you're cute

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 2 points 4 months ago (3 children)

No, I didn't miss it, you just will never convince me that progress can only be made by riding in the middle. Harris needed to be a shift left that a lot of people in this country are desperate for, and instead, she chose centrist policies and pandering to Republicans for their votes.

The "political" game is over, we needed actual change, and we got it, just not from the candidate we needed.

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