
joined 1 year ago
[–] BlackXanthus 2 points 1 year ago

For those that find this question is asking something that they are also struggling with, the answer was the 'embed' tag

MDN link

You will need to place the element into a structural holder (eg div), and remove and recreate the element in JavaScript to get it to vanish and reappear if you want it to reload on show.

Pages loaded in this way do not inherit CSS theming, except background colour (if no background colour set). It does pick up @media settings, but only from the browser. This is intended behaviour.

Ultimately, to get the full functionality, I am going to have to redesign these items to be part of a single page, loading the data in piecemeal. However, this fix gets me a functional way of achieving something I need quicker than a redesign.



[–] BlackXanthus 6 points 1 year ago

And still, some academic somewhere will claim they were just good friends...

[–] BlackXanthus 18 points 1 year ago

It's interesting that the sharp fall in traffic mimics the fall of Twitter and Reddit.

Anecdotally, I would find code answrs on Reddit or Twitter, that would direct to Stack to view the full answer, or a more complete explanation of why X should be done that way.

Considering the (relatively) small decline, I'm surprised that Stack think the answer is ChatGPT(or similar), and not the loss of semantic details added by a Reddit/Twitter thread.

[–] BlackXanthus 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's posts like this that make me wonder whether the problems is having are connected. If major players like Russia don't want this news out, taking out accessible sources like Lemmy would work.

Then again, I see China is running it's own propaganda in its own Lemmy/c, so I'm surprised Russia isn't

[–] BlackXanthus 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That works except for the pages loaded in, which do have the JavaScript tags at the end of their respective pages, however, one claims that the variables being set at the top of the script are not accessible

[–] BlackXanthus 2 points 1 year ago


I'm aware it's a use case for an iframe. However, I'm looking for a way to do it without an iframe. Most of the logic is there, just that there are these anomolies with the JavaScript variables.

[–] BlackXanthus 3 points 1 year ago

Depends on what you want it for. You can use standard in vscode or vim by installing the editor specific modules.

Or, for something bigger, try this:

[–] BlackXanthus 10 points 1 year ago

That sucks.

Imagine the loss of income from that. No question of compensation, no suggestion that what they were doing might have an affect.

Years of work gone, just like that.

There are no positive things left to say. I'm very glad im able to mostly move off Twitter. Now to just help the tools on other media sites catch up.

Feels bad man

[–] BlackXanthus 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You've not beaten it yet.

If you keep telling yourself you can't beat it, then you won't. Change your internal voice to something with some wiggle room. You've not beaten it yet, accepts where you are, but notably, adds the idea that there is a future where you will.

Stumbling is okay. Try not to be too hard on yourself. You've learned. You've learned what works, and perhaps more importantly, what doesn't.

Give yourself a bit of time to grieve, then get up and step forward. You are not starting again, your moving forward from a stronger position.

You've got this.

You're awesome.

[–] BlackXanthus 1 points 1 year ago

It's also difficult to 'leave' chromium when many of the alternative browsers are based on the engine.

I love Vivaldi, but at it's cute it's running the Google web engine. This is also going to be part of the problem.

There are very few non-Google web engines, and even fewer being used by other browser makers.

[–] BlackXanthus 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I thought I'd test this. I got the essay as the 4th result, the top 3 are about mobile phone signal, with the essay coming in as 4th.

I use Vivaldi on Android. DDG has my location set to the UK.

[–] BlackXanthus 3 points 1 year ago

For those that don't want to click, this takes you to

You get 150 'tokens' on the free account that refresh daily. I got about 30 images out of that.

The more power of the AI you use (modern features, photo enhancements, etc) the more each one costs. Using the default, basic model gives you two pictures at a cost of 2 tokens each, using the 'photography' mode, generating 4 photos was costing closer to 20 tokens. (Though, YMMV, I was mostly playing around).

Has the usual problems that you see with AI, such as it can't do fingers, doesn't understand context words, etc.

It also allows you to download the images as well, rather than that being the place that most free AI gets you.

Pretty solid, and it's nice to get to play, create and download images for free.

Please note: this is a website, not an Android App. The very similar looking and sounding app is not affiliated.

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