255 days would have been fun and the old guy would be in the last panel making some 8bit joke.
joined 3 months ago
MC is a slayer and he doesn't even know it.
Actually I don't think she was falling for him or anything, just annoyed she got dissed so casually.
I binged this series because of you guys.
Anyway, it's been cute so far. I'm getting tired of this HR lady though.
It's good stuff!
Look at Jelly's smug face. Truly the face of evil.
Edit: love the interactions with Jelly and everyone else's subverted expectations.
Seeing Seto work with those guys makes me think Miko and Hana will be an unstoppable duo.
Thanks! Gotta say, I'm glad I read through the spoilers (so far not all of them, working through them)
Ah monthly is unfortunate. Anyone wanna spoil it for me?
Ms Steal-Yo-Girl is all she sees!
Haha this detached lunatic.
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Not sure about that hot take. Containers are here for the long run.