Well, despite the difficulties translating to Federated platforms, I will certainly be working on alternative social platforms.
I no longer use Quora or Facebook...
I unsubscribed my 'YouTube' channels and added them as RSS feeds, so there's no need for me to be signed in there to consume content from creators I follow.
I hope that a month or two with the Fediverse will allow me to understand it better. I'm sure that many Fediverse users will also remain on Reddit and be able to advise folks on what to do.
If anyone on, for example, r/firefox announced activity over here, I'd follow them here. So whatever the 'bots' say, I know what's occurring in my corner.
WTheRtRevKaiser - you didn't post a link to the 'megathread' - I'm not sure I know where that is. Sorry... I need a tutorial for every suggested action ;)