I used to work at a mobile app test automation company and there is an alternative answer: apple is the fucking worst. They used to frequently make additional changes that are not in the beta just before release and other companies have no warning until its live. I remember when ios8 released in between the final beta and general release they ripped out the entire api our platform used to interface with phones. We had to rewrite iOS support from scratch in like a month post release. It was a disaster.
joined 1 year ago
All three of the linked studies only show that those with down syndrome will not go as far in life
Lol, dude you have to be one of the more ridiculous trolls I've ever encountered on the internet. Keep up the good work
Meanwhile the data clearly shows that the promises have never materialized.
The data absolutely does not say that.
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeltnietzel/2021/10/11/new-study-college-degree-carries-big-earnings-premium-but-other-factors-matter-too/
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeltnietzel/2022/06/01/new-report-shows-college-degree-continues-to-provide-better-employment-prospects-and-higher-income/
- https://www.aplu.org/our-work/4-policy-and-advocacy/publicuvalues/employment-earnings/
Literally every study I've ever seen done on whether or not college is worth the money concludes that on average, it is and by a large margin
Its not competing against cable or fiber, its competing against satellite internet and DSL. My family has a place in rural Maine and we used to have Hughesnet satellite internet and starlink is half the price and like 50x the speed.
See my other comment. Its been several years since i worked in the industry but Apple has a history of making changes that are not included in the beta