Alright, I don't want to sound offensive, but maybe work on not being so obtuse. You need to think about other people more. Maybe that has some relation to it? When a person really can't stop and think about other people and why they might not have the most fluent internet posts, I feel like the other person is either lazy, or doesn't know how to stop and think about how big the world is.
Of course, this applies to me. I don't know who you are or what you've gone through, but I thought it would be a taste of your own medicine. People write in a lot of different ways than yours. And while there are a lot of correct and incorrect rules to English, there are not so many correct ways to communication. You (and I) type the way we were taught in English class. But just because someone else does not, does not make their typing wrong. It's not like they're going to get a grade for it. If you understood what they said, then it seems like a job well done.
And even if you CAN'T understand what they said or it doesn't make sense, you shouldn't assume someone is lazy. While English is the most spoken language, it is not the most spoken native language. Such a massive portion of English speakers have a non-English native language, and so so many are learning. Or maybe they aren't learning, and that's okay too. Or maybe they're young. Maybe they're developmentally disabled. Or maybe they just don't want to think so hard on a stupid internet post. Whatever the reason, stop and think about all the possible reasons they typed like that. I'm sure you can come up with quite a few, and one of them might even be right.
especially when it’s poorly written I feel like the person either is lazy or doesn’t know what they’re writting.
Intelligence comes in more forms than just written language. Words can express emotion, but so can dance, painting, singing, even a glance can express so much. Why do you think it needs to stop at emoji's? Your inability to understand what they are saying with that emoji is not a failure of the emoji, but your ability to interpret it. That's like saying dancing doesn't convey emotion because you don't know what it is they are trying to convey. Perhaps you just need to learn more ways of expressing emotions?