You've pretty much got it figured out. Create your result type and write an Impl for covering to/from integers. You can use From/Into to keep it idiomatic.
Yes. But even unorganized labor can stand up for themselves.
There would be no risk if everyone did the same thing. You're only replaceable if there's someone willing to replace you.
I'm a construction worker. I'm also an adult. If I'm working in the heat, I take a water break whenever I feel like I need one. If I need to go sit in my truck with the ac on, that's what i do. If anyone has a problem with it, they can fuck right off and find someone else.
All it would take is everyone adopting this same attitude for things to change. Water and rest breaks are taken, not given. It's your body, not your boss's. Take care of yourself. Solidarity saves lives.
Why do you liked wired headphones? Once i got a good set of Bluetooth eaebuds I never looked back. I use mine all day every day at work. They've increased my quality of life dramatically. Wired headphones made it so inconvenient.
Isn't going to happen. People in power, especially Republicans, don't get in trouble for anything.
She's absolutely not fucked. She's a republican. They don't get in trouble for doing shit.
She should become a sex offender for this. Any normal person would get sentenced to prison if they did this, yet somehow i don't think she'll get in any real trouble for this.
What the fuck can we do about this? I'm so sick of seeing powerful people get away with all types of crimes every single day while there are regular people serving 30 year sentences for getting caught with some weed.
We are past the point where we should be revolting. I don't think we should resort to violence, but we should put our collective foot down.
We have all the power. This country's economy would grind to a screeching halt if we stopped showing up for work. We need to make some demands and stop contributing until they are met. Accountability for the powerful should be among those demands. I also say we demand the ability to pay for housing, goof, and health care by working a full time job. If we don't have those bare minimums, then what are we even doing?
I think I pretty much agree. I think they would both be me just like me from yesterday and me from a week ago are the same me. They aren't exactly the same, but they are both versions of me that my current self grew from.
What if the original wasn't destroyed? Wouldn't it be a clone then? Which one would feel like it was really you?
No, I'm saying that's the reason he won't get in any trouble. They can do whatever the fuck they want. They aren't held accountable.
Yep. He is who the U.S. has become. We are an embarrassment.