
joined 2 years ago
[–] BanjoShepard 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Maybe the entire Musk strategy is to appeal to conservative consumers to save the planet from ICE emissions. 5D chess. /Satire.

[–] BanjoShepard 4 points 3 weeks ago

I'm hoping the whole administration is a situation of Hanlon's Razor, but that might also just be me huffing copium.

[–] BanjoShepard 8 points 3 weeks ago

And here I thought I'd never see my '95 Cavalier again!

[–] BanjoShepard 8 points 4 weeks ago (26 children)

I think I'm the odd man out here, I'm always fully dressed at home. My wife never understands why I wear shoes in her house, but my feet are cold and I'm not going to buy another pair of shoes (slippers) when I already have shoes that are perfectly warm and comfortable.

[–] BanjoShepard 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Well they don't need Jesus when they've got American Jesus.

[–] BanjoShepard 73 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

This is how I learned to stop misspelling necessary: your shirt has one collar and two sleeves.

[–] BanjoShepard 5 points 1 month ago

They weren't braking; they were driving highway speeds in front of me.

[–] BanjoShepard 18 points 1 month ago (7 children)

Quick Googling puts snow at 1-20 pounds per cubic foot, depending on moisture content. Using conservative numbers of one foot of snow, 7 feet wide, and 15 feet long that could be 105-2100 pounds. On the low end, I can't see that being enough weight to matter, and on the high end, that might seriously strain some vehicles suspensions.

Also as someone in the Midwest that got hit by snow flying off the top of an uncleaned car this morning from several hundred feet away, I don't care how much weight it is. Clean off your car.

[–] BanjoShepard 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I'm dealing with this exact issue right now. I don't have thermal imaging, but I used an IR thermometer and recorded temps as much as ten degrees lower in the places with water staining than in other parts of the wall/room/house. Any tips for finding the leaks/improving insulation? Right now my best idea is cutting holes in each cavity and blowing in insulation, but I'm not an expert at all.

[–] BanjoShepard 9 points 1 month ago

I mean sure both parties are going to serve the Almighty shareholder by finding reasons to avoid wealth taxes, upholding capitalism where the strongest survive (except for corporations that lobby well and need bailed out of course), and using their positions in the government to personally profit. But at least one party is going to recognize that trans people are humans, make an effort to oversee environmental or workers rights, or even admit that human beings deserve to eat in the process.

[–] BanjoShepard 8 points 1 month ago

As the great Mitch Hedberg said, "This shirt is dry clean only. Which means it's dirty"

[–] BanjoShepard 21 points 1 month ago (3 children)

As far as I can tell, from their prospective DEI is harmful made-up psychobabble that must be eradicated at all costs, unless it's for veterans with PTSD or January 6th rioters who deserve a second chance. The only moral DEI is MY DEI, I guess.


Last year I bought a knife sharpening set for the first time and it made a world of difference. This year I'm trying to establish an annual sharpening to keep them nice and sharp.


I see predominantly picture posts here, but I wonder if text posts have a place too. I think it would be cool to share memorable birding experiences. A few come to mind for me.

This spring I saw my first Whooping Crane. I grew up in the migration path and went looking every year. I'd seen millions of sandhill cranes. Hundreds of white spots that turned out only to be two snow geese flying together or a plastic bag waving on a corn stalk. This spring I visited my home town and it happened to be during the migration. My two year old loves birds, so I thought he'd like to see so many birds at once. Unfortunately he was more interested in sitting in the truck while I looked at birds. On the way back home, a quarter mile before getting on the highway, I saw a white spec in a field, pulled over in a farmers drive way and just knew it was it. Thirty years later, I'd finally found one. Crossing it off in the index of my Sibley's was one of the most cathartic experiences of my life.

Another experience I love is the first time I saw California condors. My family visited the Grand Canyon, and I knew there was a chance to see them. When we got there they were flying so close and I couldn't even speak. My mom still tells of me pointing and saying "C-c-c-condors!".

My grandma is the one that got me into birding. She took me on a trip to an eagle count at a lake a few hours away. We saw many eagles that day. I also saw a great horned owl in broad daylight, which I've yet to see again; I remember how yellow it's eyes were. At the end of the day we stopped at the dam and my grandma put her spotting scope on some mallards and other ducks sitting around a section of open water. While I was watching, an Eagle came up and flew right over the dam, only a few dozen feet over head, then swooped down and crushed the mallard in the spotting scope so easily. We stayed and watched it eat until it was run off by other eagles that came for an easy meal.

No Raids? (self.valheim)
submitted 2 years ago by BanjoShepard to c/valheim

My friend and I made a hardcore world this Monday and have been playing 6-8 hours daily, but have not had a single raid yet. We killed the first two bosses already. Maybe it's a bug with the pts? Maybe we're just incredibly lucky? I can't believe I'm asking for troll raids, but the leather would have been nice for armor.

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