I pledge allegiance to the yellow sweetness!
Have you tried Japanese "pizza"? There are larger wars to be fought than pineapple.
Yeah, Canton is not Detroit. Eight miles north of there you'll see 8 Mile Road in Northville, but despite the fact that it's the same name and an extension of the same road, it's just not the (in)famous "8 Mile" that it is closer to town.
My wife forbids saying that we live in Detroit. I instead tell people that we're from (south-east) Michigan.
Campus Martius at Christmastime has an outdoor ice rink and the markets include a tent where you can play table games with the family while having a warm drink.
Detroit is a large city, and crime that's reported gets associated with the city as a whole rather than the individual neighborhoods where it actually occurs. You wouldn't be afraid to get a hotel in Brisbane's city center because of violence in the Valley, would you?
You'll be fine, but do be careful walking around, just as you would in any foreign city. And if you get scared, give me a call and I'll try to come get you.
If you have wheels and are a bit of a foodie, I recommend Detroit Shipping Company. If you're in town over Christmas, Campus Martius is fun.
I'll let you in on a secret... We're all of us making it up as we go along. And age adds issues, not subtracts. Methuselah didn't have all his shit together.
It's not a matter of education. It's morality. This nation has sold its soul for the Dow.
You might find some encouragement from the story of King George VI, who spoke with a stutter. If you haven't seen the movie The King's Speech, I highly recommend it.
Winston Churchill also had a speech impediment, and yet is remembered for his speeches to parliament.
I recognize that these were people of privilege and you probably aren't, so that makes things even more difficult. But I do believe that everyone can be useful and a blessing to those around them, even while dealing with a stutter.
Surely any roadblocks you put in place quickly by one party in power can be removed quickly by the other party in power. Again, I think what's going to matter is those few people in the administration with standards and allegiance to the country over party, and loud outcries from the people when they touch something important.
I don't think it's crazy, just desperate for validation.
There is a myth in evangelical Christian circles, I believe acknowledged in the article, that candy canes have their color (white for purity, red for blood) and shape (upside-down J for Jesus) and taste (sweet like the gospel) to explicitly communicate Christian doctrines. There is even a children's Christmas musical performed in churches at Christmas based on this principle. As much as one may approve of the doctrines, Christians holding steadfastly to a particular origin of candy canes regardless of the evidence seems dishonest and misguided, if not outright idolatrous to me.
I'll second 3blue1brown.
Scott Manley is, of course, mainly interested in rockets, but does cover sciencey things too (I believe he's a former professional astronomer).
I like Cleo Abram's "optimistic science" shorts.