
joined 3 months ago
[–] Ballistic_86 1 points 2 days ago

Die a hero or live long enough to become the villain

[–] Ballistic_86 8 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It would def have to be a discussion, but that would by default be sexual assault

Bodily autonomy and safety around boundaries are paramount over “finishing”

No means no, and yes means yes until a no

[–] Ballistic_86 1 points 4 days ago

No doubt about that, and I’m probably wrong about having to prove it was a hate crime. I just wouldn’t want that aspect to allow for this person to “get away”with it because it wasn’t “racially motivated”

[–] Ballistic_86 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

I have thought about this as just some fucking Lemmy commenter.

Rural white Americans used to benefit from conservative systems. Maybe not the current people, but their parents or grandparents. And while conservative leadership destroys their lives, campaign promises are often made to farmers/miners/other heavy industry. Any failures (the system working as intended) are blamed on “the other side” This upholds the divide between rural and urban whites as intended.

With black and brown people becoming more prominent in rural communities as members instead of just laborer, those previously felt conservative views don’t hold up. They aren’t benefiting, their parents didn’t, their grandparents definitely didn’t. On top of the racial divide that conservatives operate under, rural whites and rural POCs are likely to not share the same political values despite being a like in lifestyle.

But what do I know, just some guy from the suburbs death scrolling Lemmy

[–] Ballistic_86 17 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

A lot of aggression in this comments with this is literally no stupid questions.

Sexual assault comes in many forms and men are and can be victims of most of them. Coercion, violence, emotional manipulation, drugs or alcohol, the list is the same regardless of gender.

As for an erection, it’s a biological response so they don’t correspond to desire/attraction/consent. Many women who are raped get “wet” and even orgasm, but that does not indicate pleasure or consent. It’s actually one of the reasons rape victims feel very guilty about the event. “If I didn’t want it/hated it/was scared, why did I cum?” That reasoning is also part of why people don’t report rape. They think that having an orgasm will hurt their chances to press charges or win because “they enjoyed it”

Rape can also happen between consenting people as well. In fact, quite a lot of what is and should be considered sexual assault/rape, is a partner “going too far” or doing something their consenting partner didn’t consent to.

Healthy sexual intimacy requires clear communication, setting boundaries, and making sure those things aren’t broken. The kink/BDSM community is an extreme form of sexual pleasure, and despite literal violence and pain, there is always consent at the forefront and there is always an “opt-out” or safe word that ends the encounter with no second guessing.

[–] Ballistic_86 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

This is true. Hopefully it doesn’t negatively affect the case against this person. Specifying it as a hate crime means that will need to be proved in the court. Or maybe I’m not understanding the law as well as LegalEagle makes me think.

[–] Ballistic_86 6 points 1 week ago

You should just tell them you are not good at flirting and be more direct. It has worked very well for me. You can also work on getting a bit better by just doing so under the context that you are bad and it can be something funny between you and your match/potential partner.

[–] Ballistic_86 3 points 1 week ago

We’re Costco guys, of course we get the ice cream with our giant slice of pizza and soda!

[–] Ballistic_86 19 points 1 week ago (7 children)

“Suck my tongue” Dalai Lama to a young boy

[–] Ballistic_86 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wonder if OP got the pegging of his life that evening

[–] Ballistic_86 2 points 1 week ago

Shipping/Receiving at a custom print shop

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