
joined 11 months ago
[–] Ballistic_86 44 points 6 months ago (3 children)

These type of “captchas” look at your browsing behavior. It is sort of a “trade secret” of what it looks for, but it might be screen resolution, mouse behavior, cookies, OS, time to click, etc. Anything a website has access to that would look different from a bot.

[–] Ballistic_86 13 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I’d really like to see more posts come through, without the dip into the “copy Reddit posts” kind of thing. When I open Reddit, I can read 100 posts of varying topics, refresh an hour later and have a lot of new posts to ingest. Lemmy doesn’t have that much activity, so I end up looking at a very similar “popular” feed this morning, this afternoon, this evening. And 1/4 of those posts will also be in my feed again the next day.

[–] Ballistic_86 8 points 7 months ago

Just have to give them a few more months to continue bombing hospitals and schools and any and every building. Once they do that, a cease fire is possible.

[–] Ballistic_86 10 points 7 months ago (1 children)

How very in-American of them. I thought those conservatives were all about 1776 and independence from a king/dictator. I guess it’s more like they want their king is charge to crush anyone who has slightly different views.

[–] Ballistic_86 3 points 7 months ago (2 children)

How very libertarian of you. Who’s going to make me pay those “not tax” taxes? Your private military? Well, my private military is bigger so I say NO to your desire for my money.

[–] Ballistic_86 15 points 7 months ago

I’m guessing it sort of came from the fact that we cook food with burning wood. Less so now, but burning wood meant cooked food for 200k years.

I don’t think wood smells like it is edible, but a fire can remind me of food through smell.

[–] Ballistic_86 3 points 8 months ago

The coops in my American city are usually the more expensive option than the chain grocery stores. They pay their staff fairly (because the staff own part of the business) which is great, but saving money for the consumer they do not.

I just don’t think a coop can be cheaper than a larger corporate entity that can purchase at huge bulk discounts for their many stores. Healthier? Sure. More ethical? Sure. Similar costs or cheaper? Nah.

[–] Ballistic_86 18 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Automated phone systems have been a thing for decades. They are notoriously shitty and adding a layer of “friendly AI” on top of that shitty system doesn’t bode well.

[–] Ballistic_86 1 points 8 months ago

I’m not very particular about boobs in general. The ones I get to see and touch are the ones I like. I also tend to like more natural look, sag/droop/etc is a turn on for me personally.

I would guess the sentiment that fake boobs are disliked is more part of the body acceptance movement. There have also been decades of plastic surgery to show good and bad boob jobs. The bad ones are unfortunate as they do the opposite of their intent. Good ones are, typically, not part of this conversation at all. Much like other good plastic surgery, nobody talks about it because nobody can tell.

In a world where money is tight for most of us, I would hesitate to be in a relationship with someone who spent all that money on a cosmetic thing. But I would feel that way about people who travel a lot or buy stupid expensive stuff, just doesn’t align with my lifestyle.

[–] Ballistic_86 6 points 8 months ago

Top Gear is back!

[–] Ballistic_86 21 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I used to watch this guy because I liked castles. Didn’t consume a ton of this content. But last year he made a video to specifically call out Barbie. Like his channel doesn’t involve movie reviews, he just decided it was such a controversial film he had to made a video calling out “the woke”

After I saw he had made that video I unsubscribed and found other cattle content. His brother seems nice.

[–] Ballistic_86 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Progressive ideas have always been deemed preachy and annoying. Conservative ideas have always been deemed preachy and annoying. Having to hear a different ideological opinion is going to perceived that way.

The internet has just made this attitude more visible. The internet keeps people in their own personal bubble of content and people that share views. But it also gives access for any opposing views be public, widespread, and benefits from positive or negative interaction equally. Where the most vocal and controversial make it to the front page of everyone’s feeds.

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