Essentially whomever has this feature first will have my business I dislike upvoting or downvoting everything
The whole US political system forces a two party system. You would have to completely change how we do elections to eliminate two parties. The other reason we are stuck in the two party system is because the majority will have total sway and hurt if you shatter into smaller parties. It also doesn't help our system is unequal with Wyoming having 1 senator for every 250k people and 1 representative for 500k. Then dc having nothing and Delaware twice the population having the same power as Wyoming
Very buggy and new. Lots of change that is settling. I can't wait for a smoother experience.
Weirdly the Bible in original verse only condemns Adultery. Which is sex with others if you are married. There is a few verses about the immoral but doesn't define it. Occasionally mentioning lying about being a virgin but that is just decietfulness. Then you get to the new testament when Paul goes all purity culture on everyone. Jesus is all like sex workers are cool and it is fine. But Paul is like sancity of marriage and how sex within marriage is the most pure and beautiful thing using metaphors about how it is llike God and the church. Paul is really a questionable fellow
Horimiya is a modern day classic slice of life. Spy x family is good and wholesome. If you want a slice mystery murder Oshi No Ku(warning for suicide and death) . If you want to cry To your eternity(lots of death). Violet evergarden is a great. And I recommend everyone Mob psycho 100
It is early on in this frontier. Lots of things are being developed and settled. Once things settle I am sure there will be an app and aggregator that wins out and has a majority of the zeitgeist and boomers can settle there. The internet during it's shake up is for quick learners and people who can adapt easily. Inevitably the boomer might not be able to adapt and learn and it is ok for them settle
Your argument is the slippery slope fallacy. Nazis end game has been seen. They murder people. I don't hear Nazis saying we can coexist. You murder murderers. You silence people who want to permanently silence others. Idealistically silence them until they change their mind. Punching a Nazi might fix their brain damage at least make them think twice before they try to publicly express themselves
A slippery slope fallacy (SSF), in logic, critical thinking, political rhetoric, and caselaw, is a fallacious argument in which a party asserts that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant (usually negative) effect.[1] The core of the slippery slope argument is that a specific decision under debate is likely to result in unintended consequences. The strength of such an argument depends on whether the small step really is likely to lead to the effect. This is quantified in terms of what is known as the warrant (in this case, a demonstration of the process that leads to the significant effect). This type of argument is sometimes used as a form of fearmongering in which the probable consequences of a given action are exaggerated in an attempt to scare the audience. Black and white cartoon of a tall woman in a dress reaching her knees and a shorter man holding a bouquet. Both are in front of a robed figure. Each of the marrying couples has a couple of their same-sex and similar attire behind.
The fallacious sense of "slippery slope" is often used synonymously with continuum fallacy, in that it ignores the possibility of middle ground and assumes a discrete transition from category A to category B. In this sense, it constitutes an informal fallacy. Other idioms for the slippery slope fallacy are the thin end/edge of the wedge, the camel's nose in the tent, or If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.
Be careful posting this. As a fellow datacenter engineer if it is recognized or a device name serial or anything slips you could get in trouble
8 hours left in the day. X5 40 hour + 32 weekend Commute (for me) 4 hours day or 20 hours a week. Food cooking, eating, and cleaning 1 hour daily +30 mins at work for lunch+2 hour on weekends for shopping. So 18.5 hours for food a week. Laundry 30 mins a week no fold and iron or 2 hours for properly done. (Techically can be majority down time) Cleaning 2 hours a week. Random errands 2 hours. Bill paying 1 hour Lawn care 2 hours Car + house care 1 hour Animal care 2 hours SSS(shit shower shave) 1 hour daily 7 hour 30 mins daily catch news talk to family 3.5 hour 1 hour bedtime routine to try to sleep 7 hours
20+18.5+2+2+2+1+2+1+2+7+3.5+7=68 hours if I am being generous with things I should be doing. That leaves 72 -68= 4 hours of me time. If I had a partner my time could halved and we can work in parallel. But that also means a little extra work will be created. If you have animals or kids all of the mess is more
Really a lot of patience, the ability to shutdown production equipment, proper cabinets and cable management trays. As a DC engineer I still hate this design but it is way better than before also whomever ever did the first one should be fired
Maybe they have a 50% profit somewhere along the line so they are taking profit or an agreement with a manufacturer to not sell the product under 50% of original price.
Normies just means people who aren't in the in group and to me means we are the weird ones, exclusive group or have uncommon interests or knowledge.
It is important to be self aware that in the context of the fediverse and meme culture things you are use to are weird, different, and sometimes confusing. Perfect example has been the beans and the 3 day poop thing. Normal people don't get and will think it is weird if they know nothing about the trend. Another example is I am a rock climber if I reference a jug or a sloper it means nothing to normies or people unaware of the lingo. So a jug joke isn't something other people get