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[–] BaldManGoomba 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

It is the same in the usa for healthcare unless you can spend money. Sometimes people will save for a year so they can take a day or week off for surgery.

Sounds like less of a tax problem and more of a things are to expensive problem. Or government needs to regulate more problem and you have corrupt politicians. All these companies are profitable right? Then they can pay more.

[–] BaldManGoomba 1 points 5 months ago (4 children)

Why we have progressive rates. A flat tax will still make a 31k persons life more miserable in this country the lower tax ranges need to be adjusted. In America if you don't make enough money we send you money. Almost like a ubi. 100k people won't be hurt if more money they make is taxed.

Paid health care is way worse. I already 1.4% for old people healthcare(I don't get access to) and I pay around 4.5% weekly to health insurance that I can't use until I spend $6,000 in healthcare services and still have to pay money to see doctors. In America so many people go without insurance or just die because they can't get things taken care of.

Most articles say Portugal healthcare is better or on par with America's system for patient outcomes. But what the article don't mention you have be able to afford to get into the system in America. I haven't visited a doctor in 15 years.

A guaranteed pension is super strong versus a retirement plan that is in the stock market because a crash could wipe out the whole fund.

Lastly why isn't the rich not paying more in salaries and why isn't money more equitable In Portugal?

[–] BaldManGoomba 12 points 5 months ago (9 children)

He paid for 10 orders and wouldn't tip unless they came on time . Only one person got tipped $20 by not being late. His secret was since he didn't tip in app people were less motivated then probably he became a shitblist house making his service worse. After 10 orders he got a pizza party free with points.

[–] BaldManGoomba 1 points 5 months ago (6 children)

Average salary is a broken metric always look for median. 31k that is median just plain fucked sure the tax doesn't help but 31k isn't a livable salary in the country by my metrics that being said. I am sure a 2 income house hold for a 3br is more accurate of a situation since globally single income households are just not realistic. Even if you made 31k with 0 tax I don't see how that would be livable still not worth breaking tax system because idk what other welfare you all have but losing free health care would make your country worse off

[–] BaldManGoomba 1 points 5 months ago (8 children)

Median mean 50% of the country make more or less. So 31k is still rough.

You said the richer people in the tax bracket was struggling because taxes(at least how I took or understood what you said)

I can't argue your lived experience but this is also how it is in America. Everyone who wants a decent job has to be close to a major city or be related to the rich people in the small towns and things are expensive. I commuted 150 miles a day (241 km) just so I could afford rent with 4 other people in my house. I spent 4 hours on commuting so my days were 12 hours it was exhausting.

Either way it isn't taxes it is businesses paying poorly, bad production or manufacturing for cost of living necessities, and ownership class being ridiculous. Not sure what your politics are but taxes help the poor with health care, roads, and infrastructure. Also keeps the rich from controlling more.

[–] BaldManGoomba 3 points 5 months ago (10 children)

Portugal $81,199 eur you pay $29,940 in tax. That makes $52,059 take home pay or $4,338 a month average cost of monthly expenses(not including rent)is $ 2572 leaving $1765 leftover over a month. 3br apartment in city is $1,666. Seems doable without even having a second worker in the house. Especially on the higher end of the tax bracket,lower%20than%20in%20United%20States.

I am more concerned with Portugal average salary of $33k eur and median being $31k that just isn't doable

All the progressive tax systems are fine it sounds like your wages/cost of living sucks. That is the true problem.

[–] BaldManGoomba 6 points 5 months ago

Can vote null or neither

[–] BaldManGoomba 19 points 5 months ago (6 children)

Not all humans choose to shoot others. There is accidental discharges, random discharges, and ignorant discharges.

One year toddlers shot someone once a week in America. Toddlers don't have agency to choose to shoot someone. It is a tradgey and a failure of gun restrictions and safety.

[–] BaldManGoomba 4 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Let me phrase it the opposite way...she won the electoral votes in other states despite the democrats and independents in other states who didn't vote for her. You didn't lose delaware when I voted green party for president in 2016. I am talking about the 95% of people who didn't vote her did nothing wrong only the 2-3% in these 3 states got Trump the win.

[–] BaldManGoomba 6 points 5 months ago (3 children)

You can't blame 95% of the democrats or independents that didn't vote for Hillary because their vote didn't decide the election.
Pennsylvania was lost by 46,765 votes Michigan was lost by 10,704 votes Wisconsin was lost by 22,748 votes

These states are what lost the election a total of 2.18% 80,217 votes out of 14,630,990 votes in these 3 states. 6.32% of the people in America decided that election as there was 231,556,662 eligible voters and 138,884,643 voted.

[–] BaldManGoomba 33 points 5 months ago (5 children)

Hillary Clinton is our best candidate let's convince the whole primary field to drop out because the democrat donors want Hillary and it's her turn. Said the democratic party.

Also my vote in Delaware didn't lose her the election. We have popular vote on a state by state basis. Can't blame 95% of the democrats or independents that didn't vote for her. They should be polling in the areas that will decide the election. I think the stat was 20,000 or so votes in the middle of the country decided it.

[–] BaldManGoomba 7 points 5 months ago

You live in a time with a lot of change and not a very cohesive culture time. Politics are getting rough, people have their own communities and echo chambers making it harder to adapt to others.

No drama means you have a good community that is similar and takes care of each other. Right now that is hard to find

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