Ken Paxton.. wanna bet?
Why the fuck would you want this kond of power in hands of the president. At least keep the power with the Senate.. or with the judiciary branch where it belongs.
Just the reemergence of the thin client that was all the shit back in the day.. the pendulum will swing back.
A proper government run mastodon instance and bridges to blue sky seems a good option.
Mastodon on the government domain and a proper naming convention for blue sky accounts and an agreement they will limit the use of the naming convention to official accounts. Amsterdam-gov-nl paris-gov-fr eucdc-gov-eu or something.
At this point of there was a sex tape it would boost ratings..
Ending remote work is just a way to get people to quit.
Because if you buy a house, it's just you and the bank, so you need to cover the banks risk for you as an individual, meaning higher interest rates. Larger purchases, or a group of houses are covered by different loan types, flexible rates at for example international rated plus half a point.. and that is mich cheaper. The rate might fluctuate.. but if the government strongarms the fed to keep the loans practically free, companies borrow for free plus half a point. And that is a lot of difference.
Got some links.. I wanna see. I probably normally don't venture on these forums where that happens.
Well, I wonder if the US defense contractors and Trumps team will play nice. Because Biden gave them a shit ton of extra billions. I wonder if the dynamic duo will try and play rough with the defense sector to save the 2 trillion of waste.
The US defense had a huge stockpile of equipment that was aging out or even needed decommissioning.
And a new generation of tech needed to be battlefield tested.
By doing this the US was able to:
- funnel extra cash into the defense sector (the US version of welfare)
- give the military the extra cash to buy new stuff
- get rid of old and unwanted stock
- save money on storage, maintenance and decommissioning of old stock.
- Show their allies they are the arsenal of democracy and can be counted on.. while showing their adversaries they will go to bat for their allies.
- Be on the right side of history.
What I mean to say is the US got a bargain on crippling one of their main geopolitical adversaries. It only cost them old military stuff they did not want anymore, while boasting about billions.. that never left the US and stimulates the US economy.
I honestly don't get how the Dems can do such awesome things in the last 4 years and are unable to tell people about it.
With friends like you...
Also don't forget the lion's share of US money spent.. is old material given to Ukraine and the monetary value given to the US military which spends it on new stuff.. built in the US, employing American workers, who pay taxes.. feeding the machine, making american companies richer while cementing Ukraine as a future cliënt of materials and parts. And saving some money on storage and decommissioning.
The bulk of Europese money goes to Ukraine to keep their state going, paying for their soldiers/teachers/civil servants salaries etc.
Don't worry, the fully weaponized maga DOJ will show the country how it's done.
I hope people will realise how much power Biden and other Dems left on the table... Norms... Pppssshhhttt