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[–] BadAdvice 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

Your last paragraph so neatly captures my own point it's kinda funny. "If you want to help lgbt+, you can focus on a problem that affects many groups (like clean water). That brings allies into your group to work together towards a goal." Except your group has more fucking allies than members in my entire nation. And instead of using those allies to fight for something like water rights, you're burning media time to talk about how grown men should be able to dress as overtly sexualized caricatures of women to read books to children. That's not an issue that affects many groups. But it's still on the fuckin news. Our world isn't EXACTLY zero sum but it's close. There are only so many hours in the 24 hours news cycle, and I should be seeing more water cleaning and less drag book reading. Explain to me why that is without blaming the mysterious powers that be who are probably just trying to make you look bad.

[–] BadAdvice -1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Most people are mentally weak. Turns out, you can reprogram your whole mind with enough effort. Sort of like a person who is born male convincing themselves they should have been born female, to the point that they will mutilate their bodies to make their physical reality match their perceived ideal. It's a triumph of mind over body, and it takes discipline. But you go ahead and hold onto the notion that people can't choose for themselves. That's a very conservative viewpoint. Colonial, even.

[–] BadAdvice 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

"The Native Population of the America's 1492" 2nd edition, University of Wisconsin Press, 1992. You wanna Cite an actual source or just use Wikipedia? Further, you got put in concentration camps once if you were stupid enough to admit to being gay. We got put onto reservations regardless of what we claimed to be, because we are all Indians. And we never got liberated. We're still in the camps. Drag queen story hour is an issue of years. The oppression of my people is an issue of CENTURIES. it's not even remotely similar.

[–] BadAdvice 0 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Add discrimination, mental illness, alcoholism, generational poverty, and cultural genocide to the list, then change lgbt+ to native Americans.

In that case, that's exactly the point I'm making. Lgbt+ haven't been generationally oppressed because those things aren't born with you. A gay man can have a straight son as easily as a trans daughter, but a native man will always have a native child, and that child will face undue hardship by the simple fact of the history they are born into. That deserves more of the news cycle than another protest to keep or ban drag queen story hour at the local library.

[–] BadAdvice 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Which one did I assume was the representative for all of you? I have different burns lined up for Miller or Jenner, so you're going to have to remind me which one it was.

My argument has always been that important issues should get more air time. Flint, MI got some, mostly because the water there affected white people. Now let's see that for some of us redskins. It only took you about 100 years to change the football team. I'll hold my breath.

[–] BadAdvice -1 points 1 year ago

Hello straw man. Lmao pretty sure what I said is that trans issues are disproportionately overexposed in media and really shouldn't be considering how small of a percentage of the population those issues directly affect. Especially when you look at it through the perspective of someone who knows exactly how much of an issue getting clean water on reservations can be right now, even in the "deluxe American poverty" of the midwest

[–] BadAdvice -2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

When did I say anyone should be ignored? My whole point is that the lgbtqia+ media footprint is disproportionately large and pushes out other important issues. I just want less lizzo and ru Paul in the news when I know damn well this country has obligations by treaty to my people that they arent upholding. That should be in the fuckin news. But sure, bring out your straw man. It's your favorite thing to bitch about so you might as well use it yourself.

[–] BadAdvice 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Because the lgbt community is fighting for wants instead of raising awareness about needs. Let's talk about drag queen story hour. Do we need protests and media coverage for drag queen story hour to keep going when a rez in the state doesn't have its own water supply? Apparently so, because that's what's on the news. When I say "genocide" what I'm talking about is the 112 million people who lived on this land, of whom there are 7 million descendants today. That's almost 95% decline. And that's with explosive growth in the last 2 generations. My people were very nearly eradicated entirely, while lgbtqia+ have enjoyed varying levels of acceptance since written history began.

[–] BadAdvice -1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Bud. If you think reservations are some kind of deluxe poverty, you don't understand what you're talking about. Black and brown stripes, because that's what my people and culture boils down to. Clean water isn't just some necessity we'd like to have, but it's literally sacred to us. Our rivers and lakes, poisoned as they are, are still holy to us. We are put on the least arable land possible by hundred year old treaties that are disrespected constantly. Our 7 million are what's left after 300 years of constant, targeted genocide. Best estimates put the pre colonial population at around 112 million. That's almost a 95% kill rate. And after all that, we still can't farm the land we are left with and cannot make our own water clean. I cannot get over "deluxe American poverty" like it even remotely applies to reservations. Has your little shithole ever had concentration camps?

[–] BadAdvice -2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Hole is hole. You'd be surprised what you can do with a little mental discipline. Soldiers always are.

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