joined 2 years ago
[–] BURN 45 points 11 months ago (8 children)

Baldurs Gate 3

There’s nothing wrong with the game, I just don’t find it fun to play. Somehow got 48 hours out of it, but never made it to the end of act one. The gameplay just wasn’t something I terribly enjoyed.

I don’t necessarily regret the purchase as supporting smaller, decent studios is a good plan, but it’s still a game I’m not going to get a lot of use out of

[–] BURN 1 points 11 months ago

Wendell is the only one I trust to teach me server related stuff. As far as I know, there’s never been any major problems with him

[–] BURN 1 points 11 months ago

MX-5 is the way they’re commonly referred to in racing, but I hear most people call the older street cars Miatas

[–] BURN 0 points 11 months ago (4 children)


I really don’t give a flying fuck about software privacy or open source anything. I want my computer to work with the software I need for my job, and Linux doesn’t, so it’s a non-viable OS

[–] BURN 1 points 11 months ago

Or you just disagree with them and can’t fathom why anyone would ever have a differing opinion? You don’t have to go around calling anyone who disagrees with you a corporate shill to every single person replying to him.

They’ve said nothing that isn’t reasonable. Piracy is theft. So is stealing art and data for training.

[–] BURN 1 points 11 months ago

I have the exact opposite opinion. He’s exactly the person that the Linux fanboys are pushing to adopt the OS, Tech Savvy, but not with sysadmin levels of knowledge.

The average user is going to have to install linux if they want to use it. It’s not going to ever come as the default option as long as Windows and Max exist. So an average user is going to have to install, and then configure the OS. That’s going to be a universal pain point in adoption.

Windows computers don’t come pre setup with software (for the most part, there’s some small exceptions for pre-built manufacturer software bloat), neither should any linux install. A user is going to have to understand how to install and configure the OS as that’s an integral part of running it.

[–] BURN 3 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Linus may not be the all knowing tech god that a lot of people like to make him out to be, but I’d definitely say he’s the average “tech-savvy” guy, but isn’t someone who could properly administrate a homelab, let alone infrastructure for a lot of people.

The Linux challenge was extremely accurate to what would happen if the average windows users tried to use Linux with no outside help. In fact, it’s very similar to my experiences with Linux, where I can accomplish simple tasks, but once I need power user features they’re much harder to find, documentation is patchy at best and you’ve got to hope they didn’t change anything in a recent version of the OS, cause some commands just change arbitrarily (looking at you Docker-compose on Ubuntu 20+)

[–] BURN 1 points 11 months ago (3 children)

That’s a significant portion of people. Anyone using an Adobe product, playing half of the top 10 games on steam or using any proprietary hardware is basically locked out.

[–] BURN 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Using an OS suited to his needs (gaming/content creation) isn’t being a fanboy, it’s using the best possible tools for the job. Linux is still a worse gaming experience than windows, no matter what way you try to sell it

[–] BURN 2 points 11 months ago

I’m with you here, this looks great, and is a huge improvement over the AT livery. There’s just enough going on to catch your eye, but not too much noise for the sake of shapes and patterns.

Looks like a classic livery, and that’s what I like.

[–] BURN 2 points 11 months ago

Torro Rosso has to be the best this year so far

Stake Kicks Sauber is really ugly, and while it’ll be identifiable, it’s not pleasant to look at.

Mclaren/Williams look alright

Alpine I’m going to have to hold judgement on, but it’s so bare that it just looks kinda boring

[–] BURN 2 points 11 months ago

That works until they explicitly say they won’t support Linux, eg. Adobe, Bungie, GoXLR, etc

Plenty of companies know that it’s trivial to implement. They just simply do not care, nor will they ever care.

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