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[–] Awkwardly_Frank 2 points 1 hour ago

It implies that these women are objects undeserving of or without agency of their own. Doing so on the basis of appearance is as good as doing so on the basis of sex or gender. There’s no broader point being made here beyond “I don’t like them so I’m comparing them to a taboo sex object.”

That’s said they’re also abysmal human beings.

[–] Awkwardly_Frank 17 points 6 days ago

“Make or break?” Jon Stewart is on what is essentially the victory tour of his career. He was so popular in his first stint at the daily show that some openly wondered whether the show could continue without him. He retired from that to work advocacy for first responders, for which he was lauded. He’s back now because even a solid decade away couldn’t make the audience forget his heyday. I’ve criticized Stewart in the past, but even I can see that if he were to flub this interview most would shrug “huh, sad how the greats start to slip as they age,” and tune back in next week.

[–] Awkwardly_Frank 2 points 1 week ago

He means, just like him, she’s a horrible tapeworm in the bowels of our society.

[–] Awkwardly_Frank 27 points 1 week ago

Yeah, I remember when we were telling ourselves the nazis would never govern. I was so confident I brought a nice cigar and bottle of scotch to the watch party. I never did smoke that cigar, but I went through that whole bottle nearly on my own and had to sleep it off on my friend’s couch.

[–] Awkwardly_Frank 6 points 1 week ago

Hard to believe there was a time when Catholic priests fought for progress instead of standing in its way.

[–] Awkwardly_Frank 38 points 3 weeks ago

Not just McDonald’s, it’s been used by numerous organizations to downplay lawsuits they feel will hurt them with consumers. Tort reform is also trotted out by politicians who want to look as though they’re protecting people from “government overreach” because they know people don’t know what torts are and they can scare them into believing they’re going to be sued if they don’t get outside to shovel their walk early enough after a snow.

[–] Awkwardly_Frank 28 points 3 weeks ago

“It’s been very cathartic making my mental health troubles everyone else’s problem” says man who can afford to pay an entire team to listen to his unhinged rants if he wants.

[–] Awkwardly_Frank 8 points 3 weeks ago

Worryingly we may all be both types. The problem is that we’re typically the first when the new information aligns with the world as we think we understand it, and the second when it conflicts. Information that calls into question our understanding of the world around us makes us feel threatened and through that threat activates our fight or flight instincts. Since we can’t run from information we’ve already heard the only choice is to fight back against it either publicly or in our own minds.

[–] Awkwardly_Frank 2 points 3 weeks ago

We certainly need to end marketing directly to either doctors or patients, but I would like to note to anyone out there struggling that medication can help. Work to develop a relationship with a doctor who works with you and be specific and insistent about what your goals are, but when they suggest medication to help you through the difficult parts of mental illness don't discount it offhand. Well meaning comments and comics like this kept me away from psychiatrists for years, and that delay cost me a scholarship, a degree, a marriage, and left me with five years of back-breaking labor at a dead-end job. There's no shame in getting help and medication can play a pivotal role in that.

[–] Awkwardly_Frank 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I would imagine that Columbia’s disciplinary process creates records that are maintained for a number of years. If they weren’t created, or have since been destroyed that would be evidence towards improper procedures. Certainly any destruction now would be highly illegal and might result in a presumption against the university. As to the tenant laws I assume the order that the students received should be proof enough unless New York tenant laws have a carve out for universities.

[–] Awkwardly_Frank 14 points 1 month ago

a MAHA Action spokesperson, said in an email that the letter was “shared and circulated organically in a grassroots manner

Read: someone posted it on their social with the caption “important, please share with any doctors you know.”

[–] Awkwardly_Frank 6 points 1 month ago

Bare in mind that the Constitution is just a piece of paper. It only has power when the government and the will of the people give it power.

There’s a scene from The West Wing that really impressed upon me the great challenge of holding even the seemingly most stable democracies together. Toby Ziegler was working with representatives of a newly forming government and a constitutional scholar played by Christopher Lloyd to craft a constitution. Toby takes issue with the amount of power they are considering vesting in their executive branch, preferring instead a parliamentary system. Christopher Lloyd’s character responds to him with almost this exact point, telling him that their work just then was to instill a democratic spirit in those leaders and through them the broader populace of their country.

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