Or just run them in containers and skip the need to run the VMs at all. You can do snapshots with Debian fine.
Personally I would keep it simple and just run a separate NAS and run all your services in containers across the devices best suited to them. The i3 is not going to manage for Jellyfin while sharing those other services. I tried running it on an N100 and had to move it to a beefier machine(i5). Immich for example will use a lot of resources when peforming operations, just a warning.
If you mount a NAS storage for hosting the container data, you can move them between machines with minimal issues. Just make sure you run services using a docker-compose for them and keep them on the NAS.
You completely negate the need for VMs and their overhead, can still snapshot the machine if you run debian as the OS there is timeshift. Other distros have similar.
So I recently sandboxed a webapp I am getting ready to launch.
Basically Unifi switch > Vlan port > Server > Hosting Webapp instances, worker instance, cloudflared and DBs.
Pretty chuffed at the docker config actually. Just configuring my WAF and tunnel settings with Cloudflare to reduce the scanning from VPS providers. Anyone have a solution or will I need to configure some sort of nginx instance to do it as Cloudflare only allows a certain length for each WAF rule for free.
Side thought, does anyone know of a tutorial for CICD to auto build my containers and deploy? I've been reading github and codeberg docs and playing around to no avail. I'm temped to just write a go script to handle it on my server.
To be fair its correct but it's poor writing to skip the self hosted component. These articles target the company not the model.
That's a lot of low res nudie pics.
Let's see.... 1.44MB per floppy... carry the two....uhhh 0.14% of a GB, sir.
Not all heroes wear macros.
I don't think so. Zuck never cared about people, he's cut-throat, egotistical and money/power focussed. He wouldn't take the time for thinking about insulting the little people (non-millionaires). He's done it to encourage more users to use the platform and create disputes/content which is cold hard cash to him. Remember when they experimented with users by showing them content that would trigger them to make them interact?
I've been building an email parsing application to put online as a saas platform. I'd partnered with a business that would use it to solve the problems they have been having to justify. I'm so close now to putting the MVP online. I was hoping to get there by xmas but didn't quite get enough time.
My goal is to kick off building a game for my 3 year old which will be a car simulator. The purpose to learn Godot.
I think the big reason they are allowing it is because they got to cut the entire cost of having moderation with an external vendor. Not because they have an agenda or anything. Its pure dollars.
- Install Comms box in office.
- Get Unifi switch.
- Run Cat6A to all rooms of house.
- Consolidate NUC and N100's fewer devices.
- Install 2x U6 Wall units. 6 Begin scoping Surveillance cameras. Torn between Synology and Unifi.
All the services OP has listed run great in docker, excluding Frigate (not tested personally).