
joined 2 years ago
[–] Augustiner 20 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Ich bin mir sicher du hast recht, die leben und arbeiten da sehr zufrieden. Unter anderem, weil sie einen sehr guten Arbeiterschutz haben.

Nachdem wir aber nicht davon sprechen gute dänische Arbeiterschutzmaßnahmen zu adoptieren, sondern einen von unseren Schutzmechanismen abzuschaffen, hieße das ja dann am Ende nur, dass wir unseren eigenen Arbeiterschutz schwächen.

[–] Augustiner 17 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Hättest du jetzt erwartet dass die da alle den ganzen Tag weinen weil sie am Sonntag arbeiten müssen?

Selbst in ner Textilfabrik in Bangladesh werden wahrscheinlich nicht alle Angestellten permanent aussehen wie das Elend in Person.

Das heißt noch lange nicht, dass Angestellte dort nicht auch gerne einen gesetzlichen freien Tag hätten.

[–] Augustiner 20 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (7 children)

Nur weil andere Berufe und Länder schlechtere Arbeitsbedingungen haben, heißt das lange nicht dass man sich daran anpassen muss.

Und ließ mal lieber nochmal nach was ein Strohmann ist, bevor du hier mit großen Wörtern um dich schmeißt, ohne ihren Sinn zu verstehen.

[–] Augustiner 41 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You misread. They got scammed into paying 10$ shipping for a supposedly free product that will never arrive.

[–] Augustiner 2 points 1 year ago

There is an evolving porn meta? My friend would like to know more about this…

[–] Augustiner 3 points 1 year ago

Hey man, I had some of the same anxieties about being a late bloomer, never finding a girl, not knowing what to do if someone showed interest etc. This will probably not be new advice to you, but here we go:

No matter how old you are, it‘s never too late to start things. Go out and have some fun, socialize with women, try dating, do hobbies with women involved etc. Invest in yourself, have a basic level of hygiene and dress socially acceptable. At some point you will find someone who is into you, and if you are open and up front about your lack of experience, they will probably overlook most of the early dating blunders.

Just don’t go into it all with the expectation that something has to happen, or that if you do the right things someone has to be into you. It’s ok to fail, it’s ok to be awkward, you learn a lot from it.

If you wanna talk privately about this stuff, shoot me a dm.

[–] Augustiner 12 points 1 year ago

Even though we all knew that stuff falls to the ground if you leave it unsupported, we still needed someone to gather some scientific data, find reasons why and prove that gravity exists. That’s just how science works.

[–] Augustiner 12 points 1 year ago

You were so close! The first four paragraphs were a perfect argument against the death penalty. And then you somehow turned around to argue for it in the last one?

The logical conclusion from your argument isn’t a quick death, it’s trying to reform offenders, no matter how heinous their crimes. If that’s not possible, keep them locked away, but treat them humanely and keep trying.

[–] Augustiner 8 points 1 year ago

As far as I know it’s mostly because of the appeals process and because of the drugs they use. Nobody wants to make them anymore.

[–] Augustiner 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Reform, and if they continue to pose a risk for society keep them in a prison/psychiatric ward until they die or are reformed.

Look at how Norway handles Breivik for example. That guy is a proper monster. But he still gets treated according to human rights, cause he is still human. We as a society should be better and more rational than the monsters that we condemn.

[–] Augustiner 20 points 1 year ago

Maybe people in the south forgot, but the rest of the world definitely always knew that it’s a symbol for racist historically challenged losers.

[–] Augustiner 26 points 1 year ago

Most carmakers get heavily subsidized. All the German ones for example. It’s a big industry and states like to keep their brands competitive.

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