Commiting felonies to antagonize a DOJ lawyer personally would be a whole different level of stupid.
I once got an Apple Watch as a bonus at work. Had to sell it to a buddy because I couldn't use it without an iPhone. So dumb.
The same Europe that is home to Orban and Vucic and Erdogan? Yeah, good thing you never elect right-wing ideologues with a penchant for authoritarianism.
Nah, fuck off with your strawman. I was just describing the reality, not suggesting that it is any kind of solution. Holding them accountable would be great, but kids often don't have that option.
Much of Appalachia is the same. If you don't talk like a redneck, you get picked on. The smart kids with social savvy will learn to code switch.
I have Nitter Redirect installed, but Nitter stopped working. So it just blackholes all X links. Some day I'll add them to my pihole, I guess.
Literally everything.
What are you doing, step-printer!?
Have a look at their profiles and decide for yourself.