You don't know much about the region do you?
Both ways? It is unambiguously a call for genocide.
Nothing destroys a family's honour more than harming their children.
I thought setting the broken bones and putting the limb in a plaster cast until it healed was the standard.
I would assume that a surgeon at one point saw someone repairing wooden framing or such and thought that looked like a good idea.
Central and South America too.
The US broke most of these when they invaded Afghanistan and Iraq.
Current testosterone levels are not the only part of it that needs to be looked at. We as a species have sexual dimorphism. Sure it isn't to the same effect as some other animals such as many insects, but it is enough to make it unfair for a woman to compete against somebody who went through puberty as a male. Especially in combat sports.
Yes the creation kit was released with the last update.
They should have done that years ago.
Yes and not any way I've seen.
Turkey should recognise their own genocide against the Armenians