Here’s an interesting and new article relating to my above comment about transparency and the outcome of the monkey testing:
And to think they are asking for human volunteers now
From what I understand they have been quite opaque about their research and outcomes so far. I can’t see them recruiting people easily without being completely open and honest, and that’s before taking in to account the poor monkeys. My suspicion is they are making twitter a paid service so anyone who falls behind on their twitter fees will become part of a neuralink experiment
I honestly can’t stomach the idea of eating insects, but I do love prawns! Looks like the two halves of my brain are sleeping in separate beds tonight.
Mmmm McLocusts
does make you wonder though, it’s probably not going to be programmers who lose their jobs first, it will probably be a decent chunk of the people who currently earn their keep making content for coomers. Chat GPT and it’s friends will be making “useable” adult content long before they replace other things
Haha indeed! This will really become a very interesting application of the idea that history repeats itself - will AI really be different enough from previous technological advances to require different rules? Or will it be subject to the same technophobe vs. futurist arguments that always lead to gentle and inevitable integration? I’m reminded of how in some places when cars were first invented a bloke would have to walk in front of them slowly with flags to warn pedestrians and horses of the oncoming dreaded automobile
This is fascinating!
Firstly, I would like to thank our Tleilaxu overlords
This is fantastic
Maybe calling them Land Crustaceans might help sell them a bit more? How about shellveal or ground kippers?