Do they also masturbate on the clock?
My youngest was bending down to take off her diaper and just headbutted the toilet 😂😭😂
Dude, I HOPE he was talking about sucking dick, because I LOVE that!
God fucking damn it, what an incredibly frustrating game. I'm so fucking sick of everything, and I just want to enjoy a football game from now and then, but if I have to see fucking Rashford come to a full stop at the corner of the box 60 times during a single game...
Amrabat, Pellistri, Hannibal, even fucking Evans have been looking great in the last matches
Do you still wake up from nightmares of the horrific actions you have performed? Like nazi guards just following orders
Holy shit, that's some 90s football shit
This is some Football Manager shit
I love masturbating. I think everyone should do it once a day.
Beautiful teamplay!
It has a higher pH level than any known acid!!!
Not gonna lie, I'd be up for some gay weed right now