Imagine how hard it would be to resist wording things in the Imperative just... Accidentally.
You get frustrated, yell "Shut up!" at someone in passing, and that person is now mute unless you realize your mistake and undo it.
Imagine how hard it would be to resist wording things in the Imperative just... Accidentally.
You get frustrated, yell "Shut up!" at someone in passing, and that person is now mute unless you realize your mistake and undo it.
To confirm what you mean by "I'm a conservative", which of these commonly held "conservative" beliefs (each which implies a lack of empathy) do you not subscribe to (i.e. "I don't think like that...")
Is this lasagna?
At the very least, there needs to be some serious audits of the power structures of Starfleet and the Federation. So many evil admirals...
To be fair, this comic isn't just about abortion. It could also apply to things like "modesty" laws in places like Iran.
It doesn't matter what the ice cream represents. If the argument for a law is wholly religious in nature, then it is unjust.
Might subcategorize, like "Frankensteinian irony."
That, or she should be named "Mary" instead, I guess.
Debt strike!
Debt strike!
Debt strike!
Honestly, I put animal abusers in a lower circle of hell, along side child abusers.
It's about the power differential. The difference between a white adult male and a black adult female (for example) might be considerable, but its not going to be even close to the power differential between either of those adults and a child or a pet.
Confidence? Not so much. But it's less a fear of rejection, and more a fear of upsetting someone.
In short, my thought process goes like this:
I basically limit myself to online dating, but as we all know, that's a shit show unless you're in the top 10% on the scale of attractiveness. And so I've been single 10+ years.
I, for one, thought this was a reasonable take.
What else do people expect you to comment? Like...
Thoughts and prayers for the driver and his family.
What discussion can a post like this garner except speculation? And to preface your speculation with an acknowledgement that the story has no real details... seems fair to me.
I want to see this variation of a zombie movie.
Patient zero is a prominent politician.
His handlers continue to puppet him, because they already spent so much on his campaign.
Followers literally line up to be bitten and infected.