What the hell industry do you work in, then?
Whenever people ask why anyone makes open source software for free, I'm going to use this as a metaphor.
Dang, a whole dollar? I would sell origami tanks for 25¢ each, didn't realize people would pay more than that.
At least it's not as bad as a couple months ago when they were doing "retro memes."
I thought so too. I remember looking for alternatives for when it would be removed completely.
This ridiculous article is what led me to unsubscribe from his newsletter altogether.
Plus, Harry would naturally have a distrust of authority figures due to his upbringing. I'm sure he got used to hiding stuff from the Dursleys.
That matches my experience at most modern arcades. As a kid I remember going to nickel arcades and being able to play quite a few games with just a dollar. Now I take my kids to one and they burn through 10 dollars in like 5 minutes without even playing any actual games.
As far as I know, nothing really changed as a result of them stepping down.
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Get some extra so you can pay the extra few thousand a month more you'll be paying on your mortgage