
joined 1 year ago

Sheriff Greg Capers' turn in the national spotlight after an April mass shooting belied years of complaints about corruption and dysfunction that were previously unknown outside of the piney woods of San Jacinto County.


As more people seek diagnosis and treatment, the system is unable to serve them, and social media is filling in those gaps


The mayor wants to improve the neighborhood for residents, but sex workers oppose measures recently put in place. Now the city is looking to set up legal prostitution elsewhere.


Jordan has built a giant power plant meant to fulfill great hopes for energy independence. But the oil shale station in the kingdom’s desert has pushed the country into mounting debt to China.


Thousands of Amazon Indigenous are leaving their rainforest villages in a migration to urban areas that is reshaping their lives, their villages and their new cities.


Morality ministry decrees another reduction of Afghan women’s access to public spaces


The UK territory's proposal to investigate 'alternative forms of governance' provoked international headlines, but what's actually going on?


Accompanied suicide - a form of assisted suicide - has been exempt from punishment in Germany since 2020. The Bundestag is working on a law covering the practice. Will the country become a pioneer in end-of-life choice?


Chinese embassy in London tells UK to ‘stop interfering’ in China’s affairs, as Hong Kong leader says overseas activists will be ‘pursued for life.’


A 27-year-old Indian woman has started a petition to put an end to the social evil of dowry. Dowries have been illegal in India since 1961, but the bride's family is still expected to gift cash, clothes and jewellery to the groom's family.


President Nayib Bukele’s hardline campaign against gangs has won admirers at home and abroad. Look closer and its flaws are glaring.


A scene in the film features a map depicting China's territorial claims in the disputed South China Sea.

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