So me advocating for the closure of US military installations in other countries makes me a colonialist? I do not think you know what that word means.
What leftist politicians have been murdered?
If you look at the data as to why they do not vote the answer is not " things are so smooth that I dont need to vote anymore".
The really shocking stat is the growing number of eligible voters who have just stopped voting or participating in the system at all. When you look at the #1 reason why it is "no matter who wins my life doesn't get better and no candidate represents me". We have a quasi functional democracy at this point.
Elon really is his own worst enemy. Buying Twitter was such a bad idea on multiple levels.
Why would right wingers be at a bernie sanders rally? Some of these stories are obviously fabricated to elicit emotional responses in an attempt to mobilize the base.
It's no longer about convincing people to stop buying a Tesla, it is now about destruction.Everyone knew this is where it would lead.
I think that is actually exciting. The integration has to happen and America is going to be the trailblazers!! It's going to be bumpy no doubt.
Me believing times were better then is my opinion. Just my opinion. People went outside, interacted with each other in real life, and formed real relationships. In my opinion those were better times. Now you have the crisis of loneliness, millions who have never even had a friend, and 90% of young people suffer from some phobia, mental illness, or personality defect. Now is a better time in your opinion and that is fine too.
You can insult me all you want for stating obvious reality. Maybe if you took more time dealing with actual reality other than being perpetually offended by what you imagine may happen you guys could win some elections.
Yes move to Europe with stagnant economies and 60% tax rates. There are evident reasons why the EU isnt competitive, it's not a secret.