
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

I agree that it feels misplaced for "innocent" communities like [email protected] .


Hello, i am just having a look around piefed. I was surprised to find out that my main account has a low rep. It wasn't easy to find another person with low rep, actually only was able to find one other after briefly looking for it. Now i am kind of offended, haha.

I added some communities. When i added [email protected] and [email protected] the communities were empty. I guess that is as expected, since the federation only starts from now on i guess? For some reason though, when i added [email protected] it shows all the posts, just no comments and no votes. How did this happen? Same for the [email protected] comm.

I wonder how communities end up in topics? Where is this being curated?

It would be nice if there was a language setting for the piefed UI. I guess it is just going by browser default? I could not find an issue regarding this at codeberg. Maybe i just didn't find the setting and it's there?

I tried posting this topic a few minutes ago, to the piefed help comm. While viewing the piefed help comm i clicked "create post" and typed along. After sending, i realized that piefed created the post in [email protected]. I think that happened because i had not yet subscribed to the piefed help comm. That was very confusing, pretty sure it also only said "fediverse" in the commuinity field, which is also a bit too little information maybe, could have been [email protected] too. That was a bit awkward.

Piefed looks pretty cool though, i like it!